Hog and Vol Fan



New Member
Nov 12, 2006
This is my first post on Vol Nation, and I am a huge TN fan, except for when they play AR. For the classless people on Hogville, I do apologize. What people do not realize is that just because you're up now, does not mean you will be tomorrow, and vice-versa. A prime example of the classless that I see is from our secondary Chris Houston. When the TN receiver caught the TD pass over him, my first thought was, "Go ahead and trach talk now." I'm not into the trash talking at ALL. I believe in good sportmanship, and playing the game right. TN, IMO, has one of the best programs in the country. Keep doing what you're doing.....
It doesnt matter which one....we still have people on either message board acting like we have been on top for years....we all need to remember what is was like last year....
Well thats true, but I'm on Hogcall quite a bit and no Vol fan was trashed on there....LSU fan maybe, but he asked for it!
Thanks for your comments, Guys. That's one helluva team you guys have this year. If there is a coach I want to be successful other than our own, it's Coach Nutt. I have always respected him. If you guys keep up this level of play, you will beat Florida easily in Atlanta. I'm pulling for you to do so! BTW, for those of you making the trip to Knoxville next year, hope you make it safely, and have a great time.

Best of luck to ya'

GO VOLS!!!!!
as i said in other posts this board is a very nice atmosphere. just the right amount of sugar and vinegar.

hogville has its positives, but it can be crude at times.

i really like the overall personality of this board. its very much like hogcall.com.

but to razorhawg's comment about chris houston; i did not see anything offensive. i've watched the game twice now [tivo]. houston and meachem had it going all day, but it looked like the regular in-your-face stuff to me.
Chris Houston is a bad reflection towards Arkansas. He is inthe same class as Batman Carroll. The continuously talk trash, and to me that is classless......
I am a vol fan who watched the game with a hog fan and he said Houston has ran his mouth all season. And yes he did run it the entire game how did you miss it. I think you have a great team but he could use some sportsmanship.

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