Glad to see that regulations against marijuana are ruining the lives of otherwise harmless individuals.
Epic F-A-I-L-U-R-E !!! I bet you are a liberal.
Regulations against marijuana are doing absolutely NOTHING to ruin people's lives. People flat out refusing to exercise self control over fleshly desires and bowing to peer pressure DOES ruin people's lives. People like Tyrann Matthieu have no one to blame but themselves if their lives are ruined.
These types dont ever work --
Lol at the liberal comment. I bet you're fat and beat your wife.
What "types" are you speaking of? Black people or marijuana users, or black marijuana users?
Because, you are quite wrong about all three types. There are some pretty hard-working and successful individuals that smoke pot in this country, and do so quite openly in cities like Seattle, San Francisco, and Boston.
I believed they ruined their own lives by using it. I guess Bernie Madoff should get off the hook for ruining so many lives because he was just a harmless guy breaking rules too.