


Chalupa Batman
Oct 24, 2004
I was just watching PTI and it is reported that NC State fans were chanting to Wake Forest PG Chris Paul " We beat your grandfather" As you all know his grandfather was beaten to death in 2002. After it happend Paul played a game the next day and scored his grandfather's age when he died 68 points( he air balled his 2nd free throw on purpose)

Granted I dont like what he did to Hodge of NC State but the ACC fans( student sections) are horrible! What is yalls take on them?

I was glad he beat them at the buzzer to win the game now!
Yeah I always love it when a player gets a way with a low blow punch during the game and doesn't get thrown out. Then cost the other team there tournament hopes by beating them at the buzzer. and on what the fans say, they buy the ticket, they can say what they want. Them tickets go for alot of money. I know if I went to the tennessee game I would be saying anything possible to get in their players head.
Originally posted by vols2345@Mar 8, 2005 4:51 PM
Yeah I always love it when a player gets a way with a low blow punch during the game and doesn't get thrown out. Then cost the other team there tournament hopes by beating them at the buzzer. and on what the fans say, they buy the ticket, they can say what they want. Them tickets go for alot of money. I know if I went to the tennessee game I would be saying anything possible to get in their players head.

None of the refs saw it and his head coach suspended him for the first game of the ACC tourney.

So you would go so low as to talk about someones grandfather getten beaten and dying! And you would chant " we beat your grandfather"?

Yes I know you buy the tickets and say anything to get in there heads but geez man that is going to far! There is a certain line you just do not cross!

How would you like it if you were Chris Paul and they started chanting that about your grandfather?
I'm with Vols4Life on this one. Team loyalty is one thing, but my goodness, be loyal with CLASS!
chant about him all you want for all I care. If he doesn't like it, he can quit. Thats how it is. He knows he is about to make alot of money wants he goes to the nba. What does he care about what some drunk fans say.
He probably doesn't give a rat's behind what they say about HIM, but his family may be another matter.
Originally posted by vols2345@Mar 8, 2005 6:16 PM
chant about him all you want for all I care. If he doesn't like it, he can quit. Thats how it is. He knows he is about to make alot of money wants he goes to the nba. What does he care about what some drunk fans say.

i agree that if he can't take the verbal abuse about himself, he should quit. I think it's pretty weak for anybody to drag fam into it though, especially college, what's next highschool ?
Thats sad vols2345. Fans like that should be banned from the arenas. It doesn't excuse Paul from what he did, but it surprises me to see you not have a problem with fans mocking someone about something so awful and personal. If I was at a UT game and one of my fellow Vols fans was saying something like that, I would tell him/her that they need to shut the **** up and have a little respect. Thats just wrong!
Tell a fan to stop chanting something like that at a game. I would like to see you do that. Well anyways like I was saying its not sad for me to say that. He knows that only the good players get riped like this. Him and JJ feel this abuse all the time but there is no reason for it to stop now. Verbal abuse has gone on through this game for generations. You just have to ignore it. if you think about it, players talk smack on the floor also. Does that mean they need to stop? If you can't ignore what some drunk students are saying, then he is going to have some problems when he gets to the nba.
Some trash talking is fine. It makes the game fun. I love it. I like it when a player has emotion and lets everyone knoe that he is the man. That does not excuse some of the horrible things some of the fans say. It takes a sorry SOB to say something like that to ANYONE. And that type of talk should not be allowed in the arena. And you're dang right I would say something to a fan that was talkng that trash. Its pathetic. I don't know what you mean when you say you would like to see me tell a fan that. Am I suppose to be scared that big scary fan is gonna beat me up? I would hope that it wouldn't come to a physical dispute, but if it did, I'm confident I can handle myself just fine.

Heck, I even do a little trash talking to opposing fans on ocassion but its all innocent trash talking. I would never make fun of a dead relative or personally insult them or their family over a freakin basketball game. Some people go overboard and there does come to a time when you have to seriously think about banning someone from a game.
below the belt huh? So its kinda a pay back for what Paul did to hodges?
I said in my first post that it does not excuse what Chris Paul did. He should be suspended a game or two. It wasn't Hodge that was saying those things.I'm saying that is beside the point, I'm not even talking about what happened between Hodge and Paul. I'm simply saying there is line that some fans tend to cross and there is no dount that the line was crossed last night. Any fan that says stuff like that should be given a warning and then escorted out of the arena if they continue with that type of rhetoric. Just my opinion, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Your stance is apparently that the fans pay for tickets so that gives them the right to verbally abuse a player in any way they want, while I think they should be required to have to act like like a human being and show a little respect.
Originally posted by orangewizard98@Mar 8, 2005 7:36 PM
I said in my first post that it does not excuse what Chris Paul did. He should be suspended a game or two.

He is suspended for the first game of the ACC tourney.
I know, I was just making a point that I in no way agree with what Paul did, it was a cheap shot and I believe they are doing the right thing by suspending him.
That's pathetic...NC State fans are classless fools for doing that....If you're going to chant something towards another player against him be classy but don't disrespect his family....That's the ACC for you though
whoo cares about the acc anyways. All I know is that I would never do anything like this but if I saw some one do it I wouldn't say anything. Usually they are to drunk to know what they are talking about. I think Chris Paul knows this and he also knows he is a better man than all of those people.
What Chris did was low class, no doubt about it.

What NC State fans did showed NO class at all. :bad:
Verbal abuse is a part of the game. I've said plenty of crappy things to opposing teams, refs, coaches, etc. That being said, there is a definite line. This goes WAY beyond that line. Not only do I have a big problem with this but trying to say this is just part of the game and that he should "toughen up" is pathetic. Show SOME class and just let it fade away. Stop defending what is one of the lowest and saddest examples of sub-human behavior I've ever heard of.
know if I went to the tennessee game I would be saying anything possible to get in their players head.

Reminds me of another quote..."sports don't build character, it tests character". I wish more people had played team sports. :(
Ok Andy katz reported they did not chant "We beat your grandfather" but 1 or 2 students were saying that. He said that NC State is investigating who the students were :clap: good for NC State!!
Its college kids for crying out loud.....I mean come on....you think they care about someone's emotions.....they don't even know what emotions are except :beer: and :cool: so how can you expect them to have class......they get those tickets for free for going to school there.....and it is horrible what those kids said to him.....but does anyone remember HS.....man I remember....and some of the things that were said to me were pretty wrong.....but I like to think I turned out good for ignoring them and not going postal on them.....here's the thing.....those kids should have their free tickets stripped by university until they can learn to have some class and represent NC State right.....but there again you still got Maryland that had the fan with the infamous "I ****ed your sister JJ" t-shirt....so what you do for one you really have to do for all.....but if they don't do something someone is gonna snap and we gonna have Detroit vs Indiana 10 fold at a college game cause most of those kids still think like they in HS anyways....

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