How does Miami get a BCS bowl??



Junior Member
Dec 8, 2003
They are ranked lower than we are in the BCS standings and we beat them, so how did they get a BCS bowl?? Money, money, money. :bad:
Unfortunately they got an automatic bid for winning the Big East Conference. Your point is valid though, the Outback Bowl has proven that it's all obout the $$$$$.

If before the year started someone told me we would beat Florida and Miami and then end up in the PEACH BOWL. I would have said they were crazy.

By the way, Welcome to VolNation. :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
At the risk of sounding pessimistic without really meaning to, I just want to say that the only bowl that really counts is the MNC. All these other "consolation" bowls are just corporate America's way of making a few million dollars from PO'd fans who feel that their team has something to prove because they didn't go all the way. The Outback Bowl has proven that it's not about athleticism or competition, it's all about money. So we can gripe about being "shafted" or "disrespected" all we want to, but the bottom line is that LSU and Oklahoma are in the ONLY bowl that matters. Sure, I know final rankings will come from the results, but we will still end up with a 10-2 season, another win in the Swamp, a win at Miami, and an SEC east co-championship. So WHO CARES if we play in the Peach Bowl or the Kumquat Bowl?? UT doesn't need the money. And if it's bragging rights everybody's after, one bowl game does not a season make.

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