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Oct 23, 2003

Which SEC Eastern Division football stadium is the most intimidating place to play?

South Carolina


Total: 29020
Must have been a GA fan. They never play FL in FL field, and they have beat TN 4 in a row.
There must have been a serious run of cerebral types voting.

I mean, if you think about it, Columbia IS scary- these are people, who unlike any other team in the SEC (or, possibly, any other conference) consistently sold out their stadium year after year after year pre-Holtz when they were only winning 1 or 2 games a season.

But that's Alfred Hitchcock scary and this is football, which is more of a Wes Craven thing. Even if USC has Holtz, who is about as close to Freddy Krueger terrifying as CF gets, that doesn't make up for the sheer number of scary people they put in the streets and stands in Knoxville, Athens, Gainesville and (shudder) Baton Rouge.

I would count Bama, but I thought it was alot scarier going to games in Birmingham, in a stadium in the middle of a ghetto which was ready to fall down at any moment, even if the one in Tuscaloosa IS situated directly across from a graveyard (nice touch).
Originally posted by MemphisVol@Jul 26, 2004 9:48 PM
There must have been a serious run of cerebral types voting.

I mean, if you think about it, Columbia IS scary- these are people, who unlike any other team in the SEC (or, possibly, any other conference) consistently sold out their stadium year after year after year pre-Holtz when they were only winning 1 or 2 games a season.

But that's Alfred Hitchcock scary and this is football, which is more of a Wes Craven thing. Even if USC has Holtz, who is about as close to Freddy Krueger terrifying as CF gets, that doesn't make up for the sheer number of scary people they put in the streets and stands in Knoxville, Athens, Gainesville and (shudder) Baton Rouge.

I would count Bama, but I thought it was alot scarier going to games in Birmingham, in a stadium in the middle of a ghetto which was ready to fall down at any moment, even if the one in Tuscaloosa IS situated directly across from a graveyard (nice touch).

I don't understand a thing I just read.


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