I like Bruce very much; however, I'm about 50-50 at this point. If he's fired, I agree we won't be able to get a very good coach with the school sanctions we will get. Although I think they would not be as severe than if he stays. On the flip side, if he stays and weathers the storm, at best I still see us being down for 3 - 4 years compared to what we've had the past 5/6 years since he's been here. He has already suffered a huge loss of respect and reputation in the media, and in the profession. Add sanctions, 1 or 2 years suspension, probation, loss of scholarships, etc is bad enough. Beside that, he's going to be at a huge disadvantage in recruiting on going. How are parents going to feel about their sons signing with the coach that LIED to the AA. You can only imagine the major negative recruiting fodder other schools will use against him. He'll always carry this badge of dishonor the rest of his career, and so will UT if he remains.
So either way, UT is going to likely be down for several years. I just cannot find any positives here. Trust me, I am NOT a nega-Vol. I've faithfully rooted for the Vols since I knew what a Vol was, and that's close to 55 years ago. At first I was leaning all the way for Bruce. At this point, I leaning slightly toward cleaning house, suffer for a few years, and salvage what ever reputation UT can. UT is bigger than Hamilton and Pearl combined, and UT is by far the most important part to me. I guess I'm just about burned out by the whole mess. When you love UT like I do, it hurts so badly to see them drug through the mud along with coach Pearl.