All this talk about money and everyone left out the biggest factor...This pathetic economy.
As long as our economy stays this bad we'll have empty seats for the little games.
Only AD Hart knows the total of fixed costs and what the breakeven point is.
It may be 30,000 tickets and it may be 60,000 tickets but there's no way anyone here will ever know what the total of fixed costs are on gameday but it's not cheap.
Stadium staff during the game, clean up staff after the game, security which includes all the people at every parking lot that UT rents or owns, rent on the parking lots that UT doesn't own, light bill, bus and transportation costs to get all the fans moved around, train rental for that train that moves fans around, ambulances that are stationed all around the area for a quick response, ect, ect.
Revenue also comes from many other places other than just ticket sales, concessions, clothing, parking, TV and radie or Pay per view, ect, ect.
There's certain fixed costs but there's also certain fixed revenues no matter how many butts are in the seats.
AD Hart and the big money boosters, who are all Millionaire businessmen, will look at every aspect and come up with a projected revenue for next season if CDD is kept on his current contract for another year and will crunch all the numbers based on IF they can even get a new coach and who that coach might be.
If they can't get a serious HOMERUN hire for a new coach then CDD may be kept on for another year just to give them all more time to try and talk a really good coach/recruiter into coming to Tennessee especially if the projected revenue for next season is still in profit.
The next BIG project that's on the top of the list and is urgently needed according to AD Hart is a new dorm building for our players since the current building is 40 years old and can't compete with the other schools when recruits visit Tennessee.
Parents of recruits number 1 question is...Where will my child live if he comes to Tennessee?
Our 40 year old antiquated dorm building will turn recruits off after they've seen new apartment type dorms at other schools so this is a big deal with helping our recruiting which is very tough as it is.