How Stupid is the Arkansas Media

WOW!! It least he didn't mince words or try to hide his viewpoints. I wonder where Wally Hall went to school. I am in awe...
What I'm trying to figure out is when a UT player fired a gun in the endzone. Was people ther or was the Stadium empty? Who was the player?

I know Johnson fired a gun at an apartment building but who did at the game?
Tennessee players’ actions have ranged from firing a gun into the air in the end zone, hours after a game, to players seriously injuring nonplayers in fights.

You got me. That is a good question, I am pretty up on UT news, but I never heard that one. I suspect he was taking dramatic license. I knew about the apartment incident, but the "end zone" one is new to me. I think I will e-mail the guy and see what he says. I will post the reply if he does reply.

Should I use my UTK e-mail address?

MODs, can I post the e-mail? I will remove mine and his e-mail, even though his is posted on the website?
I don't worry too much about that guy, he does write for the "Arkansas Democratic Gazette-NW Arkansas Edition". I'm betting most subscribe for the pretty pictures.

It is very sad that he got the opportunity to quote our biggest fan, John Adams. When will the KNS wake up and realize that guy is a plague on their sports page?

Yes, some of the infractions are bad. However, has this guy ever played intramural sports or at least watched them? There is a fight every night they are played. You have hundreds of 18-21 yo men competing, what do you expect? I played every year I was @ UT and yes we played the Lakers (the UT football players b-ball team) and it did get rough. I was also smart enough not to taunt a 6-6 280lb linebacker who bech presses 400lbs. 100,000 people cheer them when they knock an opponent unconscious and it's replayed on the jumbotron 20 times for us to enjoy again. Do people really think it's that easy to turn off the intensity?
I suspect you are right, but I expect any reporter to get their facts straight. It starts out that there was a gun fired into the endzone, then all of the sudden it becomes a separate incident from then on people start to believe it really happened, then all of the sudden other false reports get the air-time they don't deserve. For some reason Tennessee is getting a lot of press. Some of it deserved, and some not. I can only say that there is one entity to blame. Alabama. probably not though :D

On a related note, here is an article that appeared in USAToday on Wednesday.


Amazing! Being in Arizona I have a different perspective on these articles (albeit still a little biased). All you see, even in the local papers, written about UT is their off-field problems. "Is UT football out of control???" And all you read about Arizona St. football is how promising the season looks and what a great future their coach has. Could they be the team to take down USC? You never see it mentioned anymore that their starting RB walked up to his former teammate at a bar and SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD! And it was all over a girl. I'm confused which is worse: a plate in your mouth or a bullet in your head?

Before you flame, I don't justify either. I just wonder where the balance is.
Well it sure was nice to see a quote from John Adams in there. Maybe he sent them the srtory about the shooting in the endzone. :question:
Originally posted by Vol67@Jul 28, 2005 11:28 PM
What I'm trying to figure out is when a UT player fired a gun in the endzone. Was people ther or was the Stadium empty? Who was the player?

I know Johnson fired a gun at an apartment building but who did at the game?

When a journalist, and I use that word loosely here, makes no more effort to research his topics than this clown did, then they have to be dismissed as a hack and ignored.

If you're going to write a hit piece, at a minimum you have to have your facts right.

If I were his editor he would be gone. That's a glaring misstep that could have easily been avoided if he had just taken the time to Google it.

Originally posted by VolFantotheBone@Jul 29, 2005 12:59 AM
MODs, can I post the e-mail?  I will remove mine and his e-mail, even though his is posted on the website?

Fine with me, but I seriously doubt you'll hear back from him.
Thanks GAVol. He did respond. I asked him if the "endzone" incident was the same as the Brandon Johnson incident.

His complete response is as follows:

I think you are correct, but Fulmer said it happened in the end zone, he might have been a little uptight since he was in Birmingham.

OK I chuckled...

I have come to the conclusion that he is not familiar with the problems, and just jumping on the issue that the Alabama and some national papers are saying about criminal acts and UT players. Had he known the full story, I think he would have called Coach Fulmer out on it . Now I am going to go through the transcripts and find out if Coach Fulmer did have a mis-queue.

I think the media tries to make Coach Fulmer out to be a bad disciplinarian and ultimately a bad coach because of the shenanigans and off the field problems. But the way I see it, is that Coach Fulmer genuinely cares about these kids. He is willing to hand down the hard penalties. Schaeffer was going to be asked to leave, before he quit. Brandon Johnson was suspended indefinitely. Banks was suspended indefinitely. And there is many many more. Coach Fulmer is willing to cut all ties, but he also wants to give kids a second chance. Now the incident with the metal plate, that is a bit extraordinary. But if McDaniel turns it around, I am sure nobody will notice.

Plus the Barry Switzer comparison was a bit of a stretch.

If you're going to write a hit piece, at a minimum you have to have your facts right.

Originally posted by VolFantotheBone@Jul 29, 2005 6:01 PM
Thanks GAVol.  He did respond.  I asked him if the "endzone" incident was the same as the Brandon Johnson incident. 

His complete response is as follows:
OK I chuckled...
  I have come to the conclusion that he is not familiar with the problems, and just jumping on the issue that the Alabama and some national papers are saying about criminal acts and UT players.  Had he known the full story, I think he would have called Coach Fulmer out on it .  Now I am going to go through the transcripts and find out if Coach Fulmer did have a mis-queue.

I think the media tries to make Coach Fulmer out to be a bad disciplinarian and ultimately a bad coach because of the shenanigans and off the field problems.  But the way I see it, is that Coach Fulmer genuinely cares about these kids.  He is willing to hand down the hard penalties.  Schaeffer was going to be asked to leave, before he quit.  Brandon Johnson was suspended indefinitely.  Banks was suspended indefinitely.  And there is many many more.  Coach Fulmer is willing to cut all ties, but he also wants to give kids a second chance.  Now the incident with the metal plate, that is a bit extraordinary.  But if McDaniel turns it around, I am sure nobody will notice. 

Plus the Barry Switzer comparison was a bit of a stretch.

Aw c'mon fellas. You guys know the drill. The media doesn't actually have to provide factual evidence of their assertions unless there's a freaking outcry. Reporters have a rare understanding of the power a rumor has. A rumor can be completely manufactured out of thin air, detected, rejected, and trashed amid ridicule, and it STILL has some effect on the public opinion. Just being published lends credibility to the most ridiculous claims.
Aw c'mon fellas. You guys know the drill. The media doesn't actually have to provide factual evidence of their assertions unless there's a freaking outcry. Reporters have a rare understanding of the power a rumor has. A rumor can be completely manufactured out of thin air, detected, rejected, and trashed amid ridicule, and it STILL has some effect on the public opinion. Just being published lends credibility to the most ridiculous claims.

I completely agree with you Atreus21, except in the press when you get burned, you really get burned.
Is there no logic at all to be indulged here.

How, pray tell, could he have celebrated in the end zone with a pistol.

Did he have it tucked inside his football pants.

I happen to think that would have really made some headlines.

I also do not believe Coach Fulmer said anything that resembles that.

When it's researched he should be made to eat it. This should be brought to the attention of the UT Sports Information Office.
Update: After going through the Coach Fulmer transcripts . I didn't find anything. But on a side note the transcripts were horrible. They got some names wrong. Did we add a Jesse Malone? Whoever transcribed them needs to at least check a roster.

Is there no logic at all to be indulged here.

There is always logic to be indulged, and I think that is what we are doing.

And I am by no means defending him (Hall) but he did say hours after the game. I don't think any reference to during or immediately after the game was ever made.

And you are right Coach Fulmer didn't say it. See above.

With that in mind, maybe this is an issue that the SI office may want to address. I would like to see more people called on the carpet for supporting this ongoing saga.
Originally posted by VolFantotheBone@Jul 29, 2005 10:26 PM
Update:  After going through the Coach Fulmer transcripts .  I didn't find anything.  But on a side note the transcripts were horrible.  They got some names wrong.  Did we add a Jesse Malone?  Whoever transcribed them needs to at least check a roster.
There is always logic to be indulged, and I think that is what we are doing.

And I am by no means defending him (Hall) but he did say hours after the game.  I don't think any reference to during or immediately after the game was ever made. 

And you are right Coach Fulmer didn't say it.  See above.

With that in mind, maybe this is an issue that the SI office may want to address.  I would like to see more people called on the carpet for supporting this ongoing saga.

My statement, "Logic to be indulged here" was not in reference here on this board, it was in reference to the poor Arkansas writer.

What kind of logic would put a football player in the endzone, hours after a game with a pistol.

The place would most likely be locked down by then.
Originally posted by OldVol@Jul 29, 2005 7:52 PM
I happen to think that would have really made some headlines.


That still wouldn't have made sportscenter.....

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