How Stupid Some People Are....



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2004
Originally posted by volbrian@Apr 26, 2005 12:36 PM
Look like he was attempting to take a shot from a flaming drink.

Okay, I have a very long and true story here.

About ten years ago, I used to manage our family restaurant. One night, after everything was done, the cooks and I decided we would play some cards and have some drinks. I had plenty of liquor on hand and I poured the drinks. Everyone had something to drink and I thought for a little ambience I would light some rum 151 in a jigger pour. I joked that none of us were man enough to drink it and everyone left it alone. About fifteen minutes later, one of my cooks (a black one- that will be significant later) quickly grabbed the shot while we were halfway paying attention. As soon as he did his face was engulfed in flames! He tried to pat his face out with his hands, but to no avail. In my drunken and slowed state, I tried to put it out with my coke and rum (W/151 in it no less) but he had already ducked under the table and my drink hit him in the a$$. He was able to put his face out on the carpet. He thought about it and laughed it off that his face was on fire and his butt was wet. He kept talking about how his face was tingling and we didn't think much about it. The next day he came in and his face was splotchy (pink and black) and was really pissed about it. Turns out that tingling feeling he had was the alcohol burning underneath his skin. Luckily he got over it , we paid his bills (thank God he didn't sue) and everything was back to normal. However, I will never forget the look of his face covered in flames, it was like something out of a movie. :yikes:
U-T, how do you get videos like that on here? I would really like to know.
I bet just before he did it he said " hey guys check this Sh** out!"

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