I also find baseball boring.
But my dad loved it. He used to play softball as a pitcher. So what he liked is the Chess match, between the Pitcher and the Batter.
A good pitcher/catcher puts balls in certain areas to set up the batter, to either swing or not swing, at a pitch.
Another thing to watch is how the manager moves players around on defense.
Baseball is about stats. They analyse everything.
If you are into statistics, this is a dream sport, because you find out everything about most players/situations.
(especially if you play a fantasy baseball team.)
Where in the strike zone does the hitter have the most success?
When he gets a hit, where does the ball usually go?
Do you walk their best hitter?
Do you move the infield closer for a possible bunt?
If I go to game, I like to people watch, walk around the stadium(in larger parks), and check out the concessions.
I went Mariners games, when I lived in Seattle. Beautiful venue, with great views of the city and surrounding area.
They even have a basement bar inside that looks out from left field.
Because Baseball can be a slow game, it gives you time to socialize and other activities. Especially if the weather is nice.
You don't have to watch every pitch, to enjoy the game. but there can be some tense moments...
Bases loaded with 2 outs... Tie game with a man on third... No hitter in the Ninth...
Find something about the game that intrigues you.