How to watch Oklahoma game outside of US?



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
Ok, need some help. Going to be in Mexico for the Oklahoma game. I was planning on watching the game on the Hulu Live app with wifi from the resort. Yet Hulu Live app says you can’t watch it outside of US. I could have sworn I’ve watched it in Europe before with wifi. Anyone know? Or am I going to need to get a trial VPN address for a week?
Ok, need some help. Going to be in Mexico for the Oklahoma game. I was planning on watching the game on the Hulu Live app with wifi from the resort. Yet Hulu Live app says you can’t watch it outside of US. I could have sworn I’ve watched it in Europe before with wifi. Anyone know? Or am I going to need to get a trial VPN address for a week?
VPN. I use Express VPN and would highly recommend.

You can watch from outside the US, no VPN needed.

Even if you use a VPN with some providers, a lot of them detect the VPN and won’t let you watch. You can try switching locations in the VPN until you find an IP address it doesn’t recognize.
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Don't know if it will be on youtube, but most games seemed to be streamed now on youtube live.

I watched most of the Florida/TAMU game yesterday on youtube because i had too many tvs with hulu on.

This. I live in NC and watch every single VOLS game in football that isnt on national TV on youtube. Same for Bball and baseball games fwiw. Have never missed a football game from not having a stream on yt. There are always several, for football anyway. So if 1 guy gets kicked, just switch to another guy
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