I flew to Vegas 2 weeks ago. Stepped off the plane and went to the first bathroom available. As I walk in, BabaBooey was walking out. He grinned when I quietly said "Bababooey!"
When I walked out, I saw he was eating with John Hein. Snapped a quick pic. Nice seeing guys you've listen to for years and years. I'm guessing they were leaving CES.
I got XM a few weeks ago and have listened in a few times after being away for a few years. He has his moments, but isn't the ground breaking pioneer he once was. F bombs are only humorous for so long and strippers don't play well on radio...unless it's the Vivid channel.I guess I've outgrown the demographic.
Give him some time. I think you'll find that they really don't lean on bad language and stripper stunts. He's brilliant in interviews.
Agree - it's just well done radio
I avoided him for a while because I thought it was mostly crude humor. That is really a small part of the show. When it does show up it's entertaining but it's more about the interviews and goofing on stuff.
As for the crude stuff, the Ms. Tiger Woods bit was an all time classic.