Howdy Vols



Junior Member
Dec 6, 2004
Dont let our 7-4 record fool ya, 3 of our losses have come to BCS teams(tu, ou, utah). I am looking forward to a great game and fun new years in dallas. Id love to answer any questions yall might have about my school, either on football or our many traditions.

Adam 03
Welcome to the board, 2003, and don't worry about this Vol fan overlooking anyone. More especially after the 2 past bowl performances we have had. I just hope our guys show up, and make it a very competitive game with you guys.
Don't let our 9-3 record fool you... 2 of ours came from the same team... one that probably should have made it into the MNC, but either way is in the BCS... and the third, well, they beat Michigan too which is in the BCS. :D

No good way to put the ND loss... most of the things I'd like to type just sound like excuses... but then again, you didn't even mention the Baylor loss.
So I guess we're common with one embarassing loss.

Although the embarassment of losing to Baylor vs. losing to Notre Dame is a little lopsided :p
Originally posted by Aggie2003@Dec 6, 2004 7:04 PM
Dont let our 7-4 record fool ya, 3 of our losses have come to BCS teams(tu, ou, utah).

And can't forget this loss

Welcome to the Nation. Prop your feet up, make yourself at home and enjoy the ride.
nope no excuse for a loss to Baylor. I think I would rather lose to ND than Baylor any day. A Notre Dame loss is much more respectable. Even if the Ags were looking ahead to Oklahome they should still never underestimante their opponent. There was no excuse to lose that game.

I must say it still hurts. It si gonna hurt for a long time.
We hear you usmcaggie. We almost let it slip twice... Vandy and UK were tough games for our team, when we should have overmatched them easily... that said, we still won those.
we got beat by them and to make it worse it was done in OT! Then they printed up shirts that said A&M 34 B.U. 35 GIG This. Yea we have caught a lot of mess for it but what do ya do suck it up and wait for the next game. all I can do is cheer for my team I cant play for them. However sometimes I think i should. hten I come back to reality. hahaha

You are right Yall won your games we lost. I just wish it would have been anybody but Baylor. To top it off it was Halloween and I thought my friend was messing with me.
Ouch... Well, chalk it up the being All Hallow's Eve, and come to play in Dallas!

You guys finished strong, with strong showings against TU and OU. I expect this game to come down to Reggie's ability to take advantage of our horrendous secondary... maybe our guys will figure it out in the next couple of weeks, but I won't bet on it.
Both teams have plenty of time to watch game films and be prepared for the game. Hopefully it will not be a blowout either way, good southern style football. with no yankee schools! Sounds like a good time to me. :good:
For sure. We just found our running game again! WOOO!

How is your run D?
It depends on which A&M teram decides to show up. Cedric benson had 165 yards on us. However Adrian Peterson had 106 yards the lowest total all season except for the game he sat out hurt. Our run D is good our secondary is not that great I think we are 99 in the nation in pass D. It worries me because I know yall have really good running backs we are used to facing one good back not 2 so it will be intresting to see what will happen.
We might figure out a way before then to get Clausen a-throwin' to exploit your guys' secondary. Our's is bad, too.

I've really been realizing how similar A&M and Tennessee are. :blink:
Tandems do tend to be hard to stop b/c just when you have one worn down, the other comes in fresh.

Don't worry about the pass D, I think ours is like 110 of the 117. Maybe AllVol is creeping around and can give us the exact statistics... but Reggie should have just as easy a time with our secondary as whichever QB we have in would have with yours.

Who's your tailback? I'm sure I've heard his name, just can't place it at the moment.
Originally posted by rwemyss@Dec 6, 2004 8:19 PM
Don't worry about the pass D, I think ours is like 110 of the 117.

Actually, I think that it was our special teams that were 110 out of 117. However, they did do a good job on the pontiac in the SECCG.
Originally posted by usmcaggie@Dec 6, 2004 7:39 PM
nope no excuse for a loss to Baylor. I think I would rather lose to ND than Baylor any day. A Notre Dame loss is much more respectable. Even if the Ags were looking ahead to Oklahome they should still never underestimante their opponent. There was no excuse to lose that game.

I must say it still hurts. It si gonna hurt for a long time.

Hate to say it, but you're right.

I'm still mad we lost to Memphis in '96...! :censored:
Our running backs are Keith Josef and Courtney Lewis good but not as good as they could be. I think our biggest run threat is Reggie. He is the fastest on the team and he can move. He can pass. Against Texas he was sacked like ten times I am not sure what happened that game. But it seems Texas has our number. I just hope it doesnt have anything to do with their color, or the school initials. I do however like the UT colors over the t.u. colors.

I really believe both teams will match up well. From what i hear from yall we seem to have similar teams and shoudl be a good game. Heck I have tickets to the game but might stay home to see it better on t.v.!

IF yall are intrested in anyway about what ags ae saying about the vols got to
A mobile QB could be our worse nightmare. Our secondary is so young. All the QB would have to do is roll out and our DB's would run up to get him. Leaving the WR open for a big play. BUT if our linebackers figure it out, Reggie could be contained.
Hey tell The vols to watch the texas game they had our number. So what is exactly the deal with yalls QB situation?
Well, about half way through the season, our freshman tandem of QB's got injured in consecutive weeks, the first against South Carolina then then next one the week after against Notre Dame.

The QB that got injured first, Brent Schaeffer, is apparantley having some troubles right now and I personally am in serious doubt as to whether or not he will play for Tennessee again. The other, Erik Ainge, will probably be healthy enough to play a game by the time of the bowl game, but will probably not because he has not played in quite some time.

So we're left with Rick Clausen who started out shaky, but he is at least to the point now where he will not get the ball turned over. That, in my opinion, is why we didn't beat ND, among other things. Since he came in, our passing game is nonexistent, but our runningbacks are flourishing, thankfully, so we don't lose all offensive capability.

That is our QB situation in a curiously large nutshell.
well i realize how important it is to stay focused for this bowl game. The question is can the vols? im hopin to get to go see them but.. we'll see hope we can go in there and play like we can play. If we do not play good it will not be because we dont have it .. itll be because we beat ourself. TENN-35 A&M-21
Milo I hate to disagree but the passing game was pretty good against KY and Vandy and would have been alot better if the WR would have helped a little more.... he can only pass em he can't catch em too.
As an Aggie, losing to ND would ruin my week, but that loss to Baylor will be etched on my mind everyday until next year when we go back to our usual beating them by 50.
Originally posted by volmanjr@Dec 7, 2004 7:55 AM
Milo I hate to disagree but the passing game was pretty good against KY and Vandy and would have been alot better if the WR would have helped a little more.... he can only pass em he can't catch em too.

It was Vandy and Kentucky... Rick Clausen can throw, just not that great. I'll admit it, I would rather we not try and pass too much with him. Even against A&M's backfield, that could be dangerous.

Rick eventually proved himself, on pitches, he makes good decisions and knows where to position himself behind the line. I'll give him credit there. But he just has not played enough to develop any sort of effective passing game.

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