Hubbs on 104.5


Orange Blazer

You serious Clark?
Feb 16, 2011
From a poster on VQ who does a great job putting this together.

"For how many Freshman you start equals how many losses you will have? better bring your program on Saturday. Youth is served. tells you where they are in the depth wise. starting FR Sutton at one corner. 3rd corner is FR Foreman. 4th is a walk on Sr former track guy Reggie Juin. 4th safety is Max Arnold another walk on. will play special teams. will be some growing pains. the starting 4 ( Sutton, Coleman, Randolp and McNeil )is a better group than last yr. more athletic and more physical. just obvious depth concern.

Cam Sutton's upside? a lot of intangibles. great competitor. does not get rattled when something bad happens. he was starting over Jones even if Jones was healthy. plays physical. last yr corners could not run with people. Cam brings the atheletic ability you want

Worley? Butch wants more fire from him? patience had been greatly appreciated from the staff due to so many young receivers out there. young at TE as well. patiece have been needed. patience should be checked at the door now because its time to play now. he wants Worley to have a sense of emeregency. more demonstrative. demand excellence from the entire offense

What does your gut tell you on how TN will deploy the QBs? if things go according to script you will see 3 QBs saturday. was a little surprised to see Peterman as the clear number 2 ahead of Ferguson. both FR pushed Peterman hard. Ferguson is ahead of Dobbs now.

OL bonding through adverse situations? (several coaches over the yrs)? should be a great appreciation for the SR's on this team. easy thing to do is when it gets hard is to leave. Heinstand was hard to play for. they embraced Pittman to the point where they went to Hart and pleaded to keep Pittman. They have bought in to Mahoney. same thing for DL line. they have bought in. TN should be proud of this SR class.

Pig Howard? maturation? staff has some confidence. want more consistancy out of him and Young. youngest group of WR in the country. not anybody in the country younger at WR than TN. Pig has to prove it. he is more comfortable now. so does all the other WR's. staff has an idea of who the playmakers are but they got to prove it.

How much do you expect to see how TN stands after Saturday night? think its fools gold to think they have arrived if they play great this weekend. you can learn some mindset. learn on how to prepare. yesterday was a great ex. of that due to the heat and bunch cramped up. Butch talked about the lesson for the young guys on how to condidition your body. how close are they to understanding what it takes Mon-Fri to get ready for a FB game.

Frank rambling.....early signs to see for what the fanbase wants to see? thru out fall camp they did not have 100 play scrimmages. most of it was situational. where is the football IQ of this team, whats there tempo, wheres your checks, do they understand why things are happening? Understanding why will help this team win games. there football IQ is very important

4 coaches last 6 yrs? what stands out about Butchs staff in getting ready for the season? the teaching element. level of teaching going on every second. all hands on deck. this team is very different. Kiffins team had a young OL but had a QB and others that played. this team has more teaching going on because of inexperience. Coach Z has not beat them up mentally.

Candice Parker retireing number? well deserved. she is a icon to womens game. captured the sport by the way she played. she one of those that revolutionized the game. it means the world to her.

That's all folks! Go Vols!!!!!!"
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dude, who cares what frank wychek says, he's garbage and he doesn't know anything about UT Football plus he's always been jealous of BIG ORANGE NATION, therefore, his opinion's do not count, thanks for the update....
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Time out!!!! Kiffin had a QB that "played well"? I always felt for Crompton but "played well" is stretching things a little.
Butch talked about the lesson for the young guys on how to condidition your body. how close are they to understanding what it takes Mon-Fri to get ready for a FB game.

Frank rambling.....early signs to see for what the fanbase wants to see? thru out fall camp they did not have 100 play scrimmages. most of it was situational.

Sounds about right
Time out!!!! Kiffin had a QB that "played well"? I always felt for Crompton but "played well" is stretching things a little.

Crompton played well after Kiffin got him settled down. Well enough to be drafted in the NFL. Fulmer and company showed their lack of coaching ability with Crompton.
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dude, who cares what frank wychek says, he's garbage and he doesn't know anything about UT Football plus he's always been jealous of BIG ORANGE NATION, therefore, his opinion's do not count, thanks for the update....

How the hell did you read thru all that and decide to take a run at Wycheck? I heard the interview this morning and he said nothing in any way negative about UT. Asked a pretty neutral legit question about Coaches' assessment of where the team is.
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Time out!!!! Kiffin had a QB that "played well"? I always felt for Crompton but "played well" is stretching things a little.

Here is the actual quote from the post:

"Kiffins team had a young OL but had a QB and others that played."

Similar to someone saying "Dooley's team had a defensive coordinator".
dude, who cares what frank wychek says, he's garbage and he doesn't know anything about UT Football plus he's always been jealous of BIG ORANGE NATION, therefore, his opinion's do not count, thanks for the update....

Frank Wycheck is to garbage as you are to a respectable human being who is not a waste of resources.
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Crompton did play well in 2009. It just didn't start happening until the Georgia game and after.

There really wasn't any magical coaching job done by Kiffin and staff.
This is straight from Chaney's lips to my ears. I asked him point blank, how did you get such a turn around from Crompton. He said, "we didn't." He clarified that Compton's problems were that he was a people pleaser and would never speak up. If the coach said, 'do you like that play,' he'd just say, "Sure coach."

Chaney speficically mentioned Drew Breeze, saying that he would speak up if there was a play that he didn't want called. Chaney said one time Drew was like, "No way coach, that dumba++ screws up that route up every time." That feedback allowed them to game plan accordingly, or fix mistakes they may have overlooked.

Once they got Crompton to open up and be honest about what worked for him, they were able to call a game that suited his comforts. People kept talking about him rolling out, but if you actually watch his highlights there was plenty of success out of the pocket as well. Crompton just wasn't a real cerebral guy, nor was he outspoken. Sometimes less is more.
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C'mon gang. As it applied to Crompton, Kiffin dumbed the offense down so he did not have to go through the progressions. He went to a more stationary target instead of using digs, crossing, slants, etc. as well as shorter passing game to get it out quicker.
I'm not ready to blame last year's poor secondary performance entirely on the DB's themselves. Our line was just as bad. We rarely got pressure on the quarterback. You give SEC quarterbacks and WRs time, your DB's are gonna be consistently beat.
dude, who cares what frank wychek says, he's garbage and he doesn't know anything about UT Football plus he's always been jealous of BIG ORANGE NATION, therefore, his opinion's do not count, thanks for the update....

You are going to


off all the Titan fans on here with that one!
dude, who cares what frank wychek says, he's garbage and he doesn't know anything about UT Football plus he's always been jealous of BIG ORANGE NATION, therefore, his opinion's do not count, thanks for the update....

But people should care what the bandwagon Cowboys/Lakers fan has to say? Let me guess, Yankees too?
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Lane did not have a young OL, they will all freaking seniors except one that was freshmen all-American. The back ups were seniors.

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