Hugo calls out Bush, Bush is the Devil!.....



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
Hey, who would have ever thought Hugo would have gotten a hold of democrat talking points............

hugo calls bush the devil and says he's a chump!

Okay, so if they had ‘gone the other way’ on this I’d scream my farking head off.

They didn’t:

RANGEL: AN ATTACK ON BUSH IS AN ATTACK ON ALL AMERICANS... 'You do not come into my country, my congressional district, and you do not condemn my president. If there is any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to Americans, whether they voted for him or not. I just want to make it abundantly clear to Hugo Chavez or any other president, do not come to the United States and think because we have problems with our president that any foreigner can come to our country and not think that Americans do not feel offended when you offend our Chief of State'...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One of President George W. Bush's fiercest political opponents at home took his side on Thursday, calling Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez a "thug" for his remark that Bush is like the devil.

"Hugo Chavez fancies himself a modern day Simon Bolivar but all he is an everyday thug," House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference, referring to Chavez' comments in a U.N. General Assembly speech on Wednesday.

"Hugo Chavez abused the privilege that he had, speaking at the United Nations," said Pelosi, a frequent Bush critic. "He demeaned himself and he demeaned Venezuela."

Good for Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel!

When I talk about politics stopping at the water’s edge this is what I mean.

Well done!

Now what about president Ahmadinejad, 'Can't we just be friends?' Nation & World: Iran's Ahmadinejad: 'Can't we just be friends?'

Do you know if there were any Democratic leaders that spoke out after Ahmadinejad's speech?
Hey, who would have ever thought Hugo would have gotten a hold of democrat talking points............

hugo calls bush the devil and says he's a chump!

Okay, so if they had ‘gone the other way’ on this I’d scream my farking head off.

They didn’t:

RANGEL: AN ATTACK ON BUSH IS AN ATTACK ON ALL AMERICANS... 'You do not come into my country, my congressional district, and you do not condemn my president. If there is any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to Americans, whether they voted for him or not. I just want to make it abundantly clear to Hugo Chavez or any other president, do not come to the United States and think because we have problems with our president that any foreigner can come to our country and not think that Americans do not feel offended when you offend our Chief of State'...

Good for Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel!

When I talk about politics stopping at the water’s edge this is what I mean.

Well done!

Now what about president Ahmadinejad, 'Can't we just be friends?' Nation & World: Iran's Ahmadinejad: 'Can't we just be friends?'

Do you know if there were any Democratic leaders that spoke out after Ahmadinejad's speech?

I find it somewhat disgustingly sad that Bush had nothing to say to his remarks. The man was basically insulting the whole country while on American soil. Bush stands around like a dumbass and provides no response.
The official position of the White House was that the remarks warranted no response/remarks.
I could not agree with you more OrangeEmpire. I could not believe that some people on this board called Hugo's comment the other day as "Entertaining" (????). After living here in Venezuala for more than five years now, I can tell you not many educated people down here think he is very entertaining. This man is dangerous, and he is as close to the devil as they come. I can't believe we let this guy in the U.S. yesterday. Believe me, Hugo would not let Bush into VZ.

And yes Bush did the correct thing by not commenting on Hugo. Hugo is like a bad child, he just wants attention. Bush just ignores him, and believe me that bugs Hugo more than anything Bush could say.
I could not agree with you more OrangeEmpire. I could not believe that some people on this board called Hugo's comment the other day as "Entertaining" (????). After living here in Venezuala for more than five years now, I can tell you not many educated people down here think he is very entertaining. This man is dangerous, and he is as close to the devil as they come. I can't believe we let this guy in the U.S. yesterday. Believe me, Hugo would not let Bush into VZ.

And yes Bush did the correct thing by not commenting on Hugo. Hugo is like a bad child, he just wants attention. Bush just ignores him, and believe me that bugs Hugo more than anything Bush could say.

I agree with your first part but disagree with the second. I think Bush made himself appear weak by keeping his mouth shout.
The official position of the White House was that the remarks warranted no response/remarks.

That's like a madman standing in my front yard threatening my family and me taking the "high ground" by ignoring it. I don;t find that to be the high ground at all.
Hugo is an idiot. I don't know how many people get to listen to Rick and Bubba on the radio in the mornings but they were talking about this. They said Hugo went to Harlam yesterday and was talking to African-Americans about how wrong it was for their ancestors to be brought over on the ships and made slaves and he went on and on bashing Bush to these people, and they gave him a standing O. Hugo has a ton of slaves, he treats his people like crap, that is why people leave his country. He has a lot of nerve, I'd love to get 5 mins alone in a room w/ him and bin laden and irans leader. give me 5 mins a piece w/ each of them. i promise u i'll still be standing, and those guys will have some broken bones on them.
I totally agree with the position of the administration on this issue - why even acknowledge the rant.

This is likely to help W's rating since it's a stark reminder of why the endless call for dialogue and negotiation via the UN has very limited value.

Me thinks Pelosi and Rangle HAD to come out with these statements to CTA.
I don't think any politician should have acknowledged the guy. The more press he can get to feed his fluffed ego the better for him. It fuels him to get this attention. Just leave the idiot alone. He's tried to blackmail us with oil and it's not working. Arm some revolutionary groups to keep him tied up for a while.
Rangle and Pelosi realised that they had been saying the same type of stuf about the President Bush. I can just see it now, they think to themselves "this dudes a freakin wacko and we have been saying stuff like that and the American people know it, gosh what if they connect us to him in their little pea brains".

They didnt impress me at all.
It's just like a family member calling another family member no good lousy idiot but then jumping on someone outside the family who tried to do the same thing. Human nature.
I guess. I just don't like the idea of looking like the pacifist in this. It's one thing if he is doing it from his own country but to do it here in ours bothers me alot more. I guess as the more civilized we are supposed to keep our mouths shut and take the high road.

Also, hasn't Ahmadinejad been implicated by some of the hostages from the 79 deal as being one of the ring leaders? If so, we just let this guy cruise the streets of NY and this is ok?
The ironic thing here is that if any of us said what Hugo said, we would have been arrested at the airport...and we are U.S. citizens but without the power and potential threat that Hugo is. If Hugo is such a great guy, Why does he not spend all his excess oil money on his people instead of trying to bribe the friendship of Cuba, China and Iran?:rock: I guess his next trip is to North Korea.... However, the fact remains that 90% of the Venezualans remain in poverty. Come on Hugo, you have had 8 years to fix it. It's no better, perhaps worse, than 8 years ago.:bad:
Free speech.

I'm almost always against the idea of limiting a person's right to free speech. This country was founded on that.

People have a right in this country to speak out and criticize the President.
I guess. I just don't like the idea of looking like the pacifist in this. It's one thing if he is doing it from his own country but to do it here in ours bothers me alot more. I guess as the more civilized we are supposed to keep our mouths shut and take the high road.

Also, hasn't Ahmadinejad been implicated by some of the hostages from the 79 deal as being one of the ring leaders? If so, we just let this guy cruise the streets of NY and this is ok?
Just for the He_ _ of allvol123,have you lost any family members in the war as some on this board have, before you go off shooting at the mouth about pacifist?Are you or do you have children that are draft age?I find it very insulting you call the commander in chief a dumb_ _ _.I don't care what party he is in.I'm not in the military either!Maybe you should volunteer over in Iraq!
Also, hasn't Ahmadinejad been implicated by some of the hostages from the 79 deal as being one of the ring leaders? If so, we just let this guy cruise the streets of NY and this is ok?

No. The story on that was false. Everything that could be researched showed he was not the person in question. I think he's another one full of hot air who will say what he can up to a limit. These are guys who will do what it takes to survive but will also toe the line just to feed their egos.
Just for the He_ _ of allvol123,have you lost any family members in the war as some on this board have, before you go off shooting at the mouth about pacifist?Are you or do you have children that are draft age?I find it very insulting you call the commander in chief a dumb_ _ _.I don't care what party he is in.I'm not in the military either!Maybe you should volunteer over in Iraq!

I have to have family members who have died in Iraq before I can comment on this?

I have to have draft age children before I can comment on this?

I find it insulting that the President allows these bums to insult the US, and takes the "I am too dignified to respond to that" stance.
The question remains, why stoop to Hugo's level?

We have free speech, his country does not....does that not count for any thing?

Hugo looked and acted like a reason to stoop to his level over something trivial as name calling.
I say send him down to Miami to the Cuban communities down there singing Castro's praises and let the response go without intervention.

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