I read alot of threads and it seems clear people don't understand at major universities with HUGE budget requirements how big a business sports plays within the orginization of those schools. Even at UT. Sports plays a big part in shaping the culture of a community and state. The funds it generates for the Athletic Dept to be able to enroll student athletes that brings $$ to the school that normally wouldn't be there if it weren't for sports. How hotels and restaurants make lots of $$ everytime there's a home football game. Sports is a market that has extreme power not just over a university but also over a community. Just think of what Knoxville would look like if we never had sports for the last 100 years. Just think of the pride we would not have gained from Pat Summit. The tradition we would not have experienced at Neyland. I just feel most don't understand EXACTLY how much power head coaches that do a good job have and how universities setup most of whhat they do around them and their image. It's a business much like we see on wall street!