I Find This Oddly Strange....

Anyone find the suicide rate of CH police prior to the riot?
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First and foremost, it is sad these guys took their lives. I feel sorry for the family and friends of all involved. Conspiracy theories are typically not for me but yes this is strange.
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I think it's weird they're trying to tie it back to the Capitol. Do we keep up with how many soldiers or Marines kill themselves and try to attribute that as KIA to whatever battles they took part in?

Jan. 6 was not a battle. It was a mostly peaceful event that has a lot of shade cast to both sides. and if someone on the left leaning side has damaging info to said left leaning side about the chain of events...Well by your assertion of 4 officers possibly killing themselves over the trauma of Jan6...How many have by comparison committed suicide from being on duty at other mostly peaceful protests around the country. How many DC police have committed suicide in the same time frame that did not respond to the Capitol? These were all local DC police.
Jan. 6 was not a battle. It was a mostly peaceful event that has a lot of shade cast to both sides. and if someone on the left leaning side has damaging info to said left leaning side about the chain of events...Well by your assertion of 4 officers possibly killing themselves over the trauma of Jan6...How many have by comparison committed suicide from being on duty at other mostly peaceful protests around the country. How many DC police have committed suicide in the same time frame that did not respond to the Capitol? These were all local DC police.
Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies 🎶
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Jan. 6 was not a battle. It was a mostly peaceful event that has a lot of shade cast to both sides. and if someone on the left leaning side has damaging info to said left leaning side about the chain of events...Well by your assertion of 4 officers possibly killing themselves over the trauma of Jan6...How many have by comparison committed suicide from being on duty at other mostly peaceful protests around the country. How many DC police have committed suicide in the same time frame that did not respond to the Capitol? These were all local DC police.

How police died in the antifa riots?
If 4 capitol police officers truly committed suicide because to the riot on 1/6 there is a horrible screening problem during the hiring process in that organization.
They are a dumbed down federal dept with bureaucrats mixed with civilian PBA types
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Jan. 6 was not a battle. It was a mostly peaceful event that has a lot of shade cast to both sides. and if someone on the left leaning side has damaging info to said left leaning side about the chain of events...Well by your assertion of 4 officers possibly killing themselves over the trauma of Jan6...How many have by comparison committed suicide from being on duty at other mostly peaceful protests around the country. How many DC police have committed suicide in the same time frame that did not respond to the Capitol? These were all local DC police.
According to democrats EVERYWHERE it was a "violent" unarmed insurrection that had our "Democracy" on the precipice of falling into oblivion.

In reality it was a bunch of liquored up dingbats who waltzed around the Capital building unimpeded who triggered the left massively. They still struggle with coming to terms that a group of unarmed people successfully "stormed the capital building". lol
Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies 🎶

Well...No Auto Zones or CVS' were burned down, like in other mostly peaceful gatherings.
If 4 capitol police officers truly committed suicide because to the riot on 1/6 there is a horrible screening problem during the hiring process in that organization.

Or someone got carried away Epsteining too many from the same force to hide something.
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