I Have A Confession To Make



Senior Member
Nov 23, 2004
Been on this board for a good 6 months or so and have tried to show that I'm a Tennessee Volunteers fan, but I can't do it any longer...

Volnation, I am in fact a Florida Gators fan. May surprise some of you but this is true, I'm a regular at 2 Florida Gators message boards and came across this website and decided to check it out. Seemed like a great place and I always like talking football on message boards, so I signed up here.

So, you may be wodnering why I decided to pretend that I'm a Vols fan when really our 2 schools hate each other, and the answer is simple: I didn't know how a Gators fan would be welcomed here. I intended to come here to talk sports, but figured that I wouldn't be able to really if I was a Gators fan, so I just said I was a Vols fan to join in on the discussions without having to hear it about me being a Florida fan as a argument/flame war ensues afterwards.

But I can't take it anymore, I'm a Gators fan and can't live with myself pretneding to be a Vols fan, we're rivals and we don't like each other so I'm done trying to be civil by pretending to be a Vols fan and I'm coming clean now.

Urban Meyer will bring us another title this year, I'll feel bad for this message board after we get done whooping the Vols down in the swamp!
Oh, and one more thing....


(You really didn't think I was a Gators fan, did you?)
Good one, but I've already sent the VolNation police to your house to extricate you. Hope I can get in touch with them before they hurt you. I'll try. :p
I'm gonna slap yo momma.

Well, again, I slapped her once last nite. :p
That was good LOL...But if you really had wanted to make us all mad and get us riled up......You should have said you were a Bammer :bammer:
Yeah I think an Alabama Fan would have been better... but funny none the less. You had me until the last line about Urban and another title... I suspect the Gator faithful would put a bit more emotion into it. I must admit that I am a bit curious this year about the new coach and his "Gimmick Offense". Not sure who called it that, but I think it will fit. :flush:
:lol: Oh man, and I was going to break bad on you too........Nice Job! :clap:
Seems as though it was just a good natured april fools joke, I feel real dirty now for even typing that I was a Florida Gators fan...I need to take another shower now, maybe 2 of them.
I think you should have to bathe yourself in cheap-beer vomit and urine, you know, in the Florida tradition. Maybe, then, you'll be forgiven.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Apr 1, 2005 4:36 PM
I think you should have to bathe yourself in cheap-beer vomit and urine, you know, in the Florida tradition. Maybe, then, you'll be forgiven.

I've been to Gainesville once, and your description has a lot more truth to that city than some would think.

The stadium just isn't "The Swamp," the entire city is a swamp.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Apr 1, 2005 3:36 PM
I think you should have to bathe yourself in cheap-beer vomit and urine, you know, in the Florida tradition. Maybe, then, you'll be forgiven.

Those gators really know how to party, don't they?
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Apr 1, 2005 3:58 PM
Would be more appropriately named "The Sewer"

Exactly!!!!!!! A swamp isnt that bad. My husband has been to Gainsville and calls it "The Dump". Sewer is a good analogy. I live in the swamps of bayou country. ;)

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