I seem to remember Israel attacking one of our ships in the late sixties. Which one was that?
That was the USS Liberty, an intel ship not unlike the USS Pueblo, the Pueblo now is in a NK port and used as a museum to demonstrate the victory over American imperialism, no doubt it has a picture honoring John Kerry and other notable Americans. (and the 13 US airmen who died during the incident are at the bottom of the sea and few remember that other than the families of those men while many men of the Korean conflict, a police action as Truman explained it were never repatriated to their home country, America.)
The Liberty incident was handled badly from start to finish and occured in the midst of a war that saw Israel attacked on all sides by those who meant to annihilate the whole of the Jewish population.
I don't know what messages were passed through diplomatic channels but the president of the moment, Lyndon Johnson sent an order through military channels ordering the Liberty to remove itself 100 miles off shore.
It's location was near shore east of the Nile and west of Israel. They never got the message, it didn't get past Mediteranian Fleet Headquarters that was under the command of the Admiral who was the father of senator John McCain.
Later Israel apologized and said they thought it was another ship, an Egyptian cargo ship. This was a lie, radio intercept proved beyond any doubt they knew exactly what ship it was.
Of course this had not been long after the assassination of JFK and the Israelis may not have trusted Johnson, and with good reason, if there ever was a lying, two faced SOB, who we had to call our commander in chief, Lyndon would be one of the top candidates for worst of all.
Even after another American Navy ship was sent to tow the Liberty to port, the sorry saga didn't end. The captain of the Liberty was awarded the Medal of Honor and has the distinction of being the only recipient not to receive the award in the White House. (or at least not publicly, I think they were all awarded at the white house, my memory ain't what it once was.)
The Liberty captain was awarded the MOH privately at a naval shipyard somewhere.
Speaking of memory;
Who remembers
John Granville?
Who remembers
Cleo Noel and George Curtis Moore?
At 9:00 P.M. that very night, the Black September operatives marched Noel, Moore, and Eid to the embassy basement and murdered them with forty rounds from Kalashnikov weapons fired from the feet to the head in order to inflict maximum suffering on the victims.
(on direct orders from Yasser Arafat.)
Or who remembers
William Buckley?
That's just for starters for you defenders of islam.