I Need Some Basketball Advice..



Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2005
i've been having some trouble lately..i can blow by people when they arent like..up on me. But when someone presses me hard. I freak out and always wanna give it up. I need some help with this. i can use my left pretty good. but when people are on me like i said..I always go right..and i just dont have any confidence with the left if they're up on me. So does anyone know what i can do?? I always wanna blow by them and not be patient. So i also need some help on how to be patient..thanks.
If you've got a good crossover, use it....That's what its there for....If not look them off and then take your shot....otherwise, if you've got a good crossover, use it...Hope this helps you some
What he said. Crossovers work well, but I don't utilize them much... I'm usually the outside guy when I play, I'm a decent 3-shooter off the screen. But my hands are pretty small, and I have a tough time with decent ball control.

Anyways, yeah, cross 'er over.
well i've got a good right to left crossover.. but my left to right isnt as good. I use it sometimes but i lose to also sometimes.
Run laps while dribbling a basketball exclusively with your left hand.
Keep practicing until you can do it with ease. Practice makes permanent man. When you get a little more comfortable with it, ask a good friend to put some pressure on you and work that way for a while. Soon it will be second nature.
take a basketball everywhere you go and just dribble it with your left hand
tie your right hand down and practice with you r left hand until it feels as natural as your right

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