In his defense, the Somalia escapades started at the end of GB I's term. However, Clinton was itching for an excuse to go to Iraq in 1998-2000 as much as the GOP would a few years later.
You jest?
In Somalia our commanders on the ground said they needed armor to complete the mission, the armor was aboard ships just offshore, bubby denied them such ordinance and the ensuing fiasco, resulting in deaths to our special forces emboldened bin Laden to say America had no stomach for a real fight and then they bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, enabling the forces to islam to greatly further their aims in east Africa.
On top of that then bubba (I'm seriously thinking of taking OE off my friends list but then I never know for sure if he might mean this thread as a joke, jeez, as bad as he was, bubba was better than obummer) partnered with al Qaeda in the Balkans and dropped more bomb tonnage in three months than we did in six years in Vietnam and that on the people with which we should have been allied.
Never forget, Foster's dead body was found in Marci park, just behind the Saudi embassy.
On the night Dolly Pardon received her lifetime achievement award at the Ryman, I went with a songwriter,/performer (the funniest song I think I've ever heard was one he wrote with Shel Silverstein) and as luck would have it our taxi drivers were both Somalies.
On the way over to the Ryman, our guy had been here for a long time and although I would rather communicate on a more personal level my irrepressable companion is all about show biz and so he asked what the guy thought of the movie 'Blackhawk Down.'
The reply was pretty much like you would hear from any American.
On the way back our driver had been there during the action and he was very irate when asked the same question. He said the warlords were very willing and hopeful of negotiating but Clinton ignored them completely.
It is immaterial that Bush I got us involved in Somalia, what really counts is that Clinton screwed it up totally and that is the main reason that it remains to be such a hotbed of international terrorism and radical jihadist islamic activity.
FWIW, the dhimmirats were screaming for us to go in and overthrow Hussein until the very day it happened and then all of a sudden they all became war protesters.
If for no other reason than that, I will never ever cast another vote for anyone with a D next to his name on the ballot.