i think i speak for all south carolina fans



Oct 31, 2004
Yall owned nothing some of our play calling might just be the worst in the ncaa. We run the Qb to much and our best QB has been hurt and was not mobile due to ankle sprain i saw loads of times where troy williamson was wide open but they dont throw it to him or under throw him. But i must say it was a good game but honestly who throws the ball on 3and 1 down by 2 td on your opp 40 just stupid.


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Originally posted by volslayer@Oct 31, 2004 1:49 PM

If losing to a team TWELVE years in a row isn't being owned, what IS??

I think you speak for no one but yourself and your team is owned and was owned yeasterday. Get your head out of the sand.
Being down by three TDs at the beginning of the 4th isn't being owned?!?! Wow, I guess I need to change my views of what "being owned" means...

Guys, I guess he's right, SC was just the better team yesterday. That's why we're 6-1 and they aren't! Poor SC... lucky us... scoring the most points is what you're supposed to do! I mean, if scoring late TDs on a team up by three of them was how we determied the winner, SC had us beat!!! :rolleyes:
Who returned an onside kick for a TD? We did. We were a little slow getting started, but after getting warmed up, we wiped the field with SC. We're dominating the series, and we will in the future.
Originally posted by volslayer@Oct 31, 2004 2:49 PM
Yall owned nothing

:eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol:

If beating a team 12 times in a row and running all the fans out of the stadium with 14 minutes to go is not ownership, it's at least one hell of a lease deal. :blink:
Yall owned nothing some of our play calling might just be the worst in the ncaa. We run the Qb to much and our best QB has been hurt and was not mobile due to ankle sprain i saw loads of times where troy williamson was wide open but they dont throw it to him or under throw him. But i must say it was a good game but honestly who throws the ball on 3and 1 down by 2 td on your opp 40 just stupid.

Spelling and punctuation disaster. Daaaayum that is dumb


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The only thing posative about USC football is Lou Holtz...He's a good man and i wish he had better athletes that might actually give UT a hard time!!! It would make for a better game!!
First off I live in South Carolina. Second, I've visited many games around the SEC and the South Carolina fans have to be the biggest, rudest bunch of rednecks on earth. That's saying a lot considering Florida and Alabama. They have no class in losing (which they do often) and even less class in winning. I've been to the past three games played in Columbia and every time there has been a "incident". Either pouring drinks from the above stands on old Tennessee women leaving the game or slashing and keying cars owned by Tennessee fans. I'm sure there may be a few decent fans but the bad ones are definitely not a small number.
What game was I watching? Seems like every time I saw Troy Williams he was being blanketed by one of our underclassman corners. To say they owned him might not be too much of a stretch... He caught 7 for 79 yards, considerably below his billing.

12-0 = Ownership. I'll never ever forgive S.C. for Steve Taneyhill.
Originally posted by Gatorhater@Oct 31, 2004 10:44 PM
What game was I watching? Seems like every time I saw Troy Williams he was being blanketed by one of our underclassman corners. To say they owned him might not be too much of a stretch... He caught 7 for 79 yards, considerably below his billing.

12-0 = Ownership. I'll never ever forgive S.C. for Steve Taneyhill.

Steve Tanneyhill :dlol:

That was one goofy quarterback.
Dont get me wrong yall have beat us pretty bad but in the past it has been a pretty close game owning a team would be just domination every year by blowing them out. If carolina would put in the time and effort recruiting all over the country that tennesse does we would have the top nothch players that yall have to show my point i only think 4 people from your state start for your team. I know yall like that pic right


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I'll never forget him stading on the bench in Neyland Stadium, golden mullet streaming behind him in the wind, waving a towel over his head and taunting the UT fans seated behind the bench. He was one of my least favorite players ever - in any sport.

If carolina would put in the time and effort recruiting all over the country that tennesse does we would have the top nothch players that yall have

Might I suggest you get started on this? Wait much longer and it will be 24-0.
That's the beauty of it all. You guys probably have more in state talent than we do but we still win. Fulmer and his staff have to work really hard to recruit all over the country. Your biggest problem as Herbstreit said on ESPN is that you just haven't learned or figured out how to win. You have had us and Georgia on the ropes several times but you find a way to lose. Some of it is probably coaching and some is probably depth. I think SC is on the right track but they need to take that step to get to the next level. I think Holtz is a decent coach but he may have done all he can do.
this site seems to come alive when smack talkers come in, myself i prefer it. Its always fun to smack around a smack talker.
By the way, since you brought up Taneyhill, if that is the highlight of your memories of South Carolina, then you really enjoyed the fact that USC went 5-6 that year.

Here are some other USC football nuggets to chew on:

South Carolina vs Fulmer 0-12
South Carolina SEC East Conference championships: 0
Best SEC east finish: 3rd (funny, every year behind Tennessee)

thanks again :shakeit:
:finger: :finger: you can make excuses all day long but the fact of the matter is that we basiclly kicked usc's can the second half
Originally posted by Volunteer@Oct 31, 2004 11:24 PM
By the way, since you brought up Taneyhill, if that is the highlight of your memories of South Carolina, then you really enjoyed the fact that USC went 5-6 that year.

Here are some other USC football nuggets to chew on:

South Carolina vs Fulmer 0-12
South Carolina SEC East Conference championships: 0
Best SEC east finish: 3rd (funny, every year behind Tennessee)

thanks again :shakeit:

I hate the cocks :crap:
Originally posted by volslayer@Oct 31, 2004 11:05 PM
If carolina would put in the time and effort recruiting all over the country that tennesse does we would have the top nothch players that yall have

:blink: So it's just because y'all aren't trying???

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