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Just blame the flu
Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 31
(5/28/05 3:53 am)
Reply Re: UF Predicted Season Outcomes
When Meyer was first hired I felt that 2 losses was probably the most likely scenario as we would have 4 really tough games : FSU, LSU, Tenn, and UGA and wed probably win half of them. Now though I feel that we could win more. Tenn is again like they always are going to be a one dimenstional offensive team that being the running game. They have a good young QB but lack the receivers and the open mindedness from the coaching staff to have a truly two dimensional offense. Last year we passed the ball all over them in a very conservative passing offense and I think next year with the spread offense which is what worked again Tenn last year in a conservative way will totally tear up Tenn defense. They are a fast defense but I think spreading the offense with a speed back and a power back combo like we have we can dominate their defense as we did for most of the game last year with the Zooker at the helm. Playing this game at home is a benefit but playing early in the season isnt especially against a smashmouth team like Tenn. I feel we are more talented than them and have better coaching. There is no reason other than the game being early in the year that we should not win this game as we have the front 7 to stop their running game and they cant pass the ball worth a dime.

Did this guy not watch the game last year? Does he not remember us beating them off of a 4th and like a half mile to get in position for the field goal? And he says we can't "pass worth a dime"....What an idiot :thefinger:
"They have a good young QB but lack the receivers"

Boy is this guy gonna be shocked....

This guy's an idiot...

Although we did almost get beat by Zook last season. I'm nervous about the Florida game. But I think we got it in us to take out the Crocs.
I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that UF isn't as talented as us this year like he seems to believe...and to say that they have better coaches when Meyer hasn't even coached a game in the SEC is pretty bold too.
I agree OWB. Our defense imo is going to be pretty special this year. I think we have enough talent to overcome a little inexperience in the secondary.
Originally posted by vol_freak@May 29, 2005 11:14 PM
I agree OWB. Our defense imo is going to be pretty special this year. I think we have enough talent to overcome a little inexperience in the secondary.

Agreed! Pressure on the QB can make him throw it right to our secondary or LB's and make them look pretty special. Especially if they catch it.
they can catch it.....as long as they are looking.
the key to beating the gators is now as it has always been, whipping their o-line causing disruption in the backfield and NO yards after 1st contact.
It all starts up front.

I think we have the D to win the SEC but I am highly suspect it finishes Top 2-3 in the SEC.
the key to beating the gators is now as it has always been, whipping their o-line causing disruption in the backfield and NO yards after 1st contact.

I always thought it was scoring more points than them. JK. This guy obvioulsy has no clue. Didn't I see a pub that said your receivers where some of the best in the nation? I definatly think your D is more of a question than your WR's. JMHO.
Originally posted by Fadeproof@May 31, 2005 11:12 AM
I always thought it was scoring more points than them. JK. This guy obvioulsy has no clue. Didn't I see a pub that said your receivers where some of the best in the nation? I definatly think your D is more of a question than your WR's. JMHO.

Yes. I think Tennessee has one of the best groups of receivers in the country this year.
I hope Florida's secondary thinks the same way about UT's receivers as this guy does. Allow me to demonstrate what it'll look like if Florida's secondary does think the same way, it'll look something like this: :spank:

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