I would like to apologize...



Giver of Sexy
Feb 4, 2006
to Davidson. They probably won't win this game, however, I was absolutely stupid to think that anyone else stands a chance in hell in the Southern Conference. That said, good luck to Chattanooga, etc. you will need it.
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to Davidson. They probably won't win this game, however, I was absolutely stupid to think that anyone else stands a chance in hell in the Southern Conference. That said, good luck to High Point, Chattanooga, etc. you will need it.
High Point is not in the Southern Conference.
High Point is not in the Southern Conference.

I would like to apologize again, I am an idiot. I really don't even have an excuse for that one; it was just a complete mental lapse. I think I am just going to give up on any commentary on the Southern Conference.
You know, the worst thing about that is that I was actually talking to a Kentucky fan today, and told him they better hope they don't play High Point to kick off the season next year.
And to anyone that thinks hat is crazy, no, I edited it to save face. I am just a retard.
Dang this wasn't the apology thread I'd hoped. I figured it was an apology for being caught up in the outlandish who's the next coach speculation theories that would rival JFK or UFO's....I say that because I thought I'd fall in an plead guilty. :unsure:
I want another apology.

screw you dbag

Dang this wasn't the apology thread I'd hoped. I figured it was an apology for being caught up in the outlandish who's the next coach speculation theories that would rival JFK or UFO's....I say that because I thought I'd fall in an plead guilty. :unsure:

now why would I apologize for that? :)

Can I quote you on that in the Political Forum? :eek:lol:

Sorry, emain. I couldn't resist. :angel:


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