I've been proposing this for awhile. You can do double verification of identification, easily track who is voting to ensure eligibility. Save a ton of money.
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I've been proposing this for awhile. You can do double verification of identification, easily track who is voting to ensure eligibility. Save a ton of money.

Until dims lose and there’s Russian hacking or some sort of “interference”. This apparently already happens when voting in person but you think it’ll be better to vote online? 😂🤣
I've been proposing this for awhile. You can do double verification of identification, easily track who is voting to ensure eligibility. Save a ton of money.
I thought verification was racist? and then you have a president who says minorities can't use the internet. seems like this was designed to keep minorities from voting.
I thought verification was racist? and then you have a president who says minorities can't use the internet. seems like this was designed to keep minorities from voting.
Apperantly they are too dumb or lazy to aquire an ID or go to a voting precinct. Pretty much that's what the left is saying.
Apperantly they are too dumb or lazy to aquire an ID or go to a voting precinct. Pretty much that's what the left is saying.
here in georgia at least I can renew my DL online. might be able to get a new one too. seems like if the internet was a valid option people wouldn't have issues getting ID in the first place.
Internet voting could be more secure while also making it more convenient for those working. If there's evidence of hacking then just revote in person.
There's a lot of folks working long hours who can't take off, and then need to get their kids or whatnot and voting just doesn't make it higher on the priority list. The internet can be secure. Going to the polls is like using pagers just because the don't rely on cell towers. It might be marginally more secure, but it's just inefficient. And if we are going to allow mail in votes for the general public, we might as well just go to the internet.
There's a lot of folks working long hours who can't take off, and then need to get their kids or whatnot and voting just doesn't make it higher on the priority list. The internet can be secure. Going to the polls is like using pagers just because the don't rely on cell towers. It might be marginally more secure, but it's just inefficient. And if we are going to allow mail in votes for the general public, we might as well just go to the internet.

I hope you don't think your generation is the first that had those issues. Early voting (voting season) was supposed to address the problem. I'd bet if you really penned people down you'd find most just didn't bother to vote in more elections than in ones they missed when life got in the way - even before early voting. If we went to internet voting, there would be something else - there always is, and it's usually motivation.
There's a lot of folks working long hours who can't take off, and then need to get their kids or whatnot and voting just doesn't make it higher on the priority list. The internet can be secure. Going to the polls is like using pagers just because the don't rely on cell towers. It might be marginally more secure, but it's just inefficient. And if we are going to allow mail in votes for the general public, we might as well just go to the internet.

I'm for it but the only way it works is with serious voter ID. Errr, I mean racist measures designed to suppress votes
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I'm for it but the only way it works is with serious voter ID. Errr, I mean racist measures designed to suppress votes

The military uses CAC ID cards (Common Access Card) with an embedded integrated circuit. That card inserted into a CAC reader allows the holder access to some military online sites not accessible without the card and reader. It's certainly a costly process to issue a similar card as voter ID, but that with a reader could be a secure means to allow remote voting by internet. I can't imagine it being cost effective down to an individual user level, but then technology has made a lot of seemingly impossible things possible. It would assure two things: provide a secure platform and "suppress votes obviously". Oh, it would probably take the government bureaucracy thirty years to implement ... and be obsolete.

Lines were very long this last election. Not sure why you wouldn't want to do it in 5 minutes on your smartphone that can take pictures and verify identity. Must be an old people thing like walking at the mall. Need something to fill their days.
Lines were very long this last election. Not sure why you wouldn't want to do it in 5 minutes on your smartphone that can take pictures and verify identity. Must be an old people thing like walking at the mall. Need something to fill their days.

If voting is important to you 1 day of being inconvenienced shouldn't matter.

Voting by internet is just giving the established machinery total control.
Then give everybody the day off including the fast food workers and grocery store workers. Shut it all down.
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Then give everybody the day off including the fast food workers and grocery store workers. Shut it all down.

No. Who would pay for it?

Most states have multiple days of early voting to include weekend days and hours ranging from 7am to 7pm. Not to mention every state offers absentee ballots for those that can't make it to the pols. It simply boils down to how bad do you want to have a say in your government. A few hours a year isn't much of a sacrifice.

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