If I Started A Topic And Told You.....



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
If I started a topic and told you that you could not reply.... it would make you really want to reply wouldn't it? Especially this group!!
That was even quicker then I thought. I thought you would try and hold out.
All I was saying is that if I started a topic and asked people not to reply....I'll bet it would kill some people to see it sit there with no replies. :lol:

That's when you know you have it bad.
And, by the way, I am not officially replying here. I accidently hit "Add Reply" and well, you know...
Officially, this is not a thread because freak hasn't yet clarified whether he actually said to not reply. Right? :question:
Originally posted by Vols4life@Apr 15, 2005 1:06 AM
To post or not to post that is the question

Nope. You're wrong.

A thread or not a thread, THAT is the question. :question:
Originally posted by toddbond007@Apr 15, 2005 12:00 AM
i am not going to post on this thread...

thats what you said about the new topic will never die and you kept comin back to it. :p
I, myself, am not going to post on here because it has to be a thread before I would ever go a-postin'!
Even though this particular "thing" (Not a thread) has made it into its second day, I still refuse to officially post anything on it! ;)

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