If i was the coach...



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2012
as i stated last night we are getting absolutely nothing from our wings lately, if you want to play josh for defense and go without his offense then you must get production from the other wing. i am not going to act like i know everything about basketball BUT for fun, and for discussion purposes if i was the coach this would be what i feel would be what provides us the best chances.

heres the best i can come up with...

pg: golden/richardson
sg: richardson/mcrae
sf: woolridge/tatum
pf: stokes/maymon
c: maymon/hall

i would play:
golden-34 mins/richardson-6 mins
richardson-22 mins/mcrae-18 mins
woolridge-25 mins/tatum-10 mins/stokes-5 minutes
stokes-25 mins/ maymon-15mins
maymon-15 mins/hall-25 mins

total minutes:
golden-34 minutes
stokes- 30 minutes
maymon- 30 minutes
richardson-28 minutes
woolridge- 25 minutes
hall- 25 minutes
mcrae- 18 minutes
tatum- 10 minutes

i see it highly unlikely that ccm is willing to cut the senior tatums minutes this much but to me tatum needs to ride the pine. golden is our best player so ride him as long as you possibly can just like last night. maymon has got to stay out of fould trouble as we need him on the floor, that was evident late in the game last night. if stokes is in good enough shape after a few games and he is tearing it up give him a few more minutes and take them away from tatum. woolridge i am fine with the way he has played as well as richardson, as you can see i have no yemi or mcbee playing and thats how it should be unless there is foul trouble(last night)

I would probably give McBee a couple minutes when playing at home to satisfy the fans.

haha. i have no problem with him seeing the floor for a set play or two to try and see if he can hit. he just really honestly in sec play can not get his shot he isnt fast or quick enough which is very unfortunate cause i do like the kid.
i should add before someone rips me...i dont expect stokes to come in and play 30 minutes the very first game so the rotation would need a little tweaking initially, but by the 3rd or 4th game i would expect him to be able to play big minutes. on the other side of that as we get closer to crunch time if he can handle the minutes and is producing maybe play him 32 minutes a game.

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