If players come on Vol Nation..



#1 Senior Member
Feb 9, 2008
I just want to say thanks to Marlon Walls. He sent my brothers nephew a video over his medical issues. He really loved it, and to all Vols that participate on visiting and sending messages to kids with health problems it means a lot to them. Thank you all.
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I like Walls a lot as well. If anyone noticed it Saturday, early in the game, Bobby Denton said, "Tackle by Marion Walls."

That's the first time I've been truly pissed at the stadium announcer. Marlon has been on the team long enough that there's no excuse for screwing up his name.
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I really enjoy Marlon, but if I was a player there would be no way in hell I would get on a message board. It would just piss me off.
I like Walls a lot as well. If anyone noticed it Saturday, early in the game, Bobby Denton said, "Tackle by Marion Walls."

That's the first time I've been truly pissed at the stadium announcer. Marlon has been on the team long enough that there's no excuse for screwing up his name.

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Im afraid if players come on volnation, they would transfer to another school quicker than heck..with some of the bone heads on here..
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it's no worse on here than it is on any other fan forum, they are full of know-it-all's and arm-chair qbs
If anyone had a reason to quit it's Marlon. He tried several times just to get into UT iirc- going back to Fulmer. Then to have to endure several head coaches, scheme changes, and position changes. He was originally a linebacker when he was recruited. He should be celebrated and deserves Rod Wilkes status here imo.
I have supported and been a vol fan for almost 50 yrs. I bleed orange .. always support your team. Say good of them. They are a product of the coaching staff ..they are just young people.. I can see TN being competive once again. so far TN is playing good football. they will beat the socks off WKU. Mark it down..Defense dominates.. offense will run over their arose.. go big orange..
I like Walls a lot as well. If anyone noticed it Saturday, early in the game, Bobby Denton said, "Tackle by Marion Walls."

That's the first time I've been truly pissed at the stadium announcer. Marlon has been on the team long enough that there's no excuse for screwing up his name.
He was concentrating on the tired, "pay this price" thing.....the last thing that I want to hear at a Vols game is how much, but nothing more, that I've paid for the last 10 seasons....it makes me want to punch somebody. BTW, if there were any scores that were tracking on the multi-million dollar graphics then I sure missed it and I'm none too happy about that either. Thank goodness we have a "Butch" in the house to spackle over that crap!

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