If we must bash someone



Senior Member
Jan 29, 2004
From BBA24 on the Cane's board:

Lets resume the bashing of BAMMER. This BBA guy shows up everywhere with this stuff. Sorry for the length.

he University of Alabama learned the hard way what Phil Fulmer is all about. What follows is a detailed list of allegations, lies, smears and innuendo that Fulmer gave to the NCAA as a SECRET WITNESS, trying to sink the Bama program.

Fulmer is currently dodging lawsuits and subpoenas, trying to avoid being put UNDER OATH to testify. He had it in for Bama and dumped his entire sewer of filth on the NCAA.

This list is taken directly from the memo that NCAA investigator Rich Johanningmeier compiled while talking with Fulmer. The people at Tennessee are Fulmer, assistant Steve Caldwell, assistant Woody McCorvey and Assistant Pat Washington.

The NCAA granted Phil Fulmer total anonymity. Alabama had NO IDEA that their biggest rival could go "on the record" with the NCAA and not be informed.

BTW, besides 98% of his allegations being hearsay from other people, he enlisted the help of, and secretly recorded a recruiting analyst in Alabama to get much of this dirt.

I've listed the charge and the NCAA's finding on each allegation.

Why am I posting this on a Miami board? Because the UT cheating machine has shown up at Killian HS and you want something done about it. Beware! FUlmer is the sleaziest and most conniving coach out there. If you are a danger to him, he'll try and do this to you.

Fulmer's List of "Allegations" to the NCAA:

1 - Steve Caldwell insinuated that Logan Young gave $250,000 to Osceola High School in exchange for a recruit (Jonathan Adams) to attend Alabama.


2 - Phil Fulmer accused (“rumors among football coaches in the south”) Logan Young of being Coach Bryant’s bagman.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, rumors are NATIONAL that UT is the dirtiest recruiting school in the country.

3 - Phil Fulmer accused Logan Young of paying great high school athletes, their parents and/or the athletes coaches to attend Alabama.


4 - Phil Fulmer accused Logan Young of illegal activity with athletes in Mississippi, North Alabama, Memphis and Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. DO I need to mention detective Fatlock and his multiple legal investigations on behalf of UT athletes? Witness tampering?

5 - Steve Caldwell accused Logan Young (while he was drinking) of stating the he (Logan Young) bought players for Alabama.


6 - Steve Caldwell accused Logan Young of offering to illegally supplement Caldwell’s salary if he were hired at Alabama.


7 - Steve Caldwell accused Logan Young of controlling the recruitment of William Buxton and Michael Myers.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, William Buxton signed elsewhere and Alabama IMMEDIATELY declared Myers ineligible when the found evidence of his receiving money from an agent.

8 - Phil Fulmer accused Logan Young of buying a truck for Michael Myers so that he would attend Alabama.


9 - Steve Caldwell accused a person (unnamed by Caldwell) from Alabama of attempting to “buy” Andre Lott’s mother.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Fact - Andre Lott ended up at Tennessee.

10 - Steve Caldwell claims Tennessee signed Andre Lott, Kevin Taylor and Cedric Wilson from Melrose High School ONLY because Logan Young allowed him to.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Fact - All three players ended up playing for UT. They were signed from the same school that they claimed Logan Young was paying the coach to steer players to Alabama. Who else thinks UT paid to get these players to Knoxville?(my hand is up)

11 - Steve Caldwell insinuated that Logan Young bought Kindal Moorehead.


12 - Phil Fulmer accused (“rumor that was circulating”) Logan Young of promising a house for Claire Moorehead.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, Claire Moorehead lives in the same house she did when Kindal was recruited.

13 - Steve Caldwell accused (“heard the rumor…..personally saw”) Logan Young of buying Tim Thompson a Lexus for sending Moorehead to Alabama.


14 - Steve Caldwell insinuated that Logan Young bought Tim Thompson a new Land-Rover when he wrecked his uninsured Lexus.


15 - Phil Fulmer accused Santonio Beard of telling him that Beard did not attend classes at Milford Academy.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, Gene Marsh thoroughly investigated many claims about Milford Academy. In the end, Santonio Beard was allowed to play.

16 - Phil Fulmer accused Logan Young, through Mark Graves, of providing cash payments to Santonio Beard.


17 - Steve Caldwell insinuated that Logan Young traveled to Nashville to provide cash payments to Santonio Beard so that he would sign with Alabama.


18 - Phil Fulmer accused Danny Pearman of an illicit relationship with Vicki Smith (Kenny Smith’s mother).

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. If I were Danny Pearman, I'd sue Fulmer into oblivion. I wonder if Phil Fulmer is ready to open up HIS personal life to the media? Whaddya say, Phil? Want to start with Jaime Whited?

BTW, Vicki Smith and her son have sued FUlmer for $450 Million dollars for defamation. The case was originally filed in Alabama but has subsequently been filed in Tennessee. This is one of the cases that Fulmer is dodging the subpoenas

19 - Phil Fulmer accused (claims Smith told him – Smith denies this) Logan Young bought a Camaro for Kenny Smith.

Interestingly, even the NCAA and their Enforcement Staff gestapo found nothing on this.

20 - Phil Fulmer accused Ray Keller of illegally providing the financing of a Camaro for Kenny Smith.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Interestingly, even the NCAA and their Enforcement Staff gestapo found nothing on this.

21 - Phil Fulmer accused Logan Young of giving money to Ray Keller so that Keller could provide an automobile for Kenny Smith.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Interestingly, even the NCAA and their Enforcement Staff gestapo found nothing on this.

22 - Phil Fulmer accused (claims Kenny Smith told him – Smith denies this) Logan Young provided cash payments to Kenny Smith.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Kenny Smith disputes this under oath.

23 - Phil Fulmer accused someone (no name given) at Alabama of providing new furniture to Kenny Smith’s family.


24 - Phil Fulmer accused Logan Young of illegal telephone contact with Richard Locke during Eric Locke’s recruitment in high school.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. But interestingly, Phil Fulmer tampered with Eric Locke while he was at Alabama. In fact, he was cited for Minor violations in providing extra benefits to Eric Locke after he transferred to Tennessee.

25 - Phil Fulmer accused Logan Young of promising Richard Locke a job at the Mercedes Benz plan near Tuscaloosa OR providing Richard Locke a residence in Tuscaloosa.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Interestingly, a UT booster who owns/runs a car dealership provided Eric Locke with an automobile to drive after he tranferred to UT.

26 - Phil Fulmer accused (“told by Locke”) that Ronnie Cottrell arranged illegal meetings between student-athletes and boosters.


27 - Phil Fulmer insinuated/accused (“told by Locke”) Alabama of knowingly letting athletes drive cars they couldn’t afford.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Hmm, Tee Martin got money from a booster (despite what the NCAA declares her to be). They found the money orders.

28 - Phil Fulmer accused (“Locke reported”) Alabama of giving illegal benefits to Fernando Bryant.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Hmm, Romey Hawkins showed the cancelled money orders of illegal money that UT sent to Travis Henry.

29 - Phil Fulmer accused (“Locke reported”) Logan Young of giving illegal benefits to Fernando Bryant.


30 - Phil Fulmer accused (“According to the source”) Logan Young of giving illegal benefits to Dante Ellington.


31 - Phil Fulmer accused (“According to the source”) Logan Young of giving illegal benefits to Freddie Milons.


32 - Phil Fulmer accused (“According to the source”) Logan Young of giving illegal benefits to Harold James.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Alabama and NCAA officials traveled to Osceola specifically to check these allegations out. Nothing.

33 - Phil Fulmer accused (“According to the source”) Logan Young of giving illegal benefits to Albert Means.

NCAA relied on Phil Fulmer's source to make this charge stick. HIS credibility is right about ZERO.

34 - Phil Fulmer accused (Tom Culpepper told him) Logan Young of recruiting Tom Culpepper to administer illegal benefits to Alabama recruits.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, Culpepper had threatened to "get" Logan Young. I've heard Culpepper utter that on tape.

35 - Phil Fulmer accused (Tom Culpepper told him) Logan Young of getting Tom Culpepper fired because he wouldn’t administer illegal benefits to Alabama recruits.


36 - Phil Fulmer accused (“learned…from a friend”) Alabama of facilitating illegal booster contact between Shaun Alexander and Dr. Porch.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. This is VEHEMENTLY denied by Dr. Porch and Shaun Alexander.

37 - Phil Fulmer accused Logan Young of tampering in an NCAA investigation by conversing with Richard Locke.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, UT effectively ran the investigation for the NCAA. UT boosters regularly leaked investigation info.

38 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) Alabama of arranging illegal payments to Shaun Alexander during his senior year at Alabama.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Doh, Romey Hawkins gave book chapter and verse on John Henderson getting illegal benefits, courtesy of Phil Fulmer.

39 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) Alabama of arranging for a fraudulent ACT test score for Harold James.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, Alabama officials found an error made by Osceola HS and missed by the Clearinghouse in allowing James' test score. Alabama ruled James ineligible.

40 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) Ronnie Cottrell of paying to have fraudulent standardized test scores arranged for student athletes.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. Fulmer didn't tell the NCAA that he had his attorney, Jeff Hagood, contact Cottrell and offer him a job in '99.

41 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) Logan Young of helping pay for Ronnie Cottrell’s home.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, paperwork was presented that shows ALL of the financing for Cottrell's home was legal and above-board.

42 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) Logan Young of illegally supplementing Ronnie Cottrell’s salary.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, there will be some startling info come out on this in the future.

43 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) someone (no name given) of illegally paying the tuition of Santonio Beard to attend Milford Prep.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. I heard the name. If I were that person, I'd sue Phil Fulmer for everything he owns.

44 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) someone (no name given) of illegally paying the tuition of Mac Tyler to attend Milford Prep.


45 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) Logan Young of using casinos in Tunica to “withdraw” untraceable money to pay student athletes.


Interestingly, Roy Adams, a huge UT booster, claimes to have done that EXACT same thing for student athletes.

46 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) Logan Young of paying Tim Thompson, over a seven year period, to send athletes to Alabama.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. isn't it strange that MANY more Melrose athletes went to Tennessee than to Alabama?

47 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) Ronnie Cottrell of illegally obtaining a fraudulent test score for Michael Gaines.


48 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper could provide”) someone (no name given) at Alabama of illegally arranging for a loan for Justin Smiley’s mother, Terri White.


49 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper believed”) Ivy Williams of violations of NCAA legislation (no specifics given).


50 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper believed”) Mike Dubose of violations of NCAA legislation (no specifics given).


51 - Phil Fulmer accused (“reported that Culpepper believed”) Rodney Orr (owner of TiderInsider) of violations of NCAA legislation with the assistance of Logan Young (no specifics given).

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. If I were Rodney Orr, I'd sue Phil Fulmer for $50,000,000.

52 - Phil Fulmer accused (“Culpepper reported that ”) Kenny Smith of soliciting $100,000 from Logan Young in exchange for damaging information on Tennessee.

BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED. In fact, Kenny Smith PUBLICLY claims that Phil Fulmer was seeking damaging information on Logan young.

53 - Phil Fulmer accused (“according to the former director of athletics at Trezevant High School who was currently incarcerated in Memphis”) Logan Young of arranging to provide Lynn Lang with an SUV as payment for sending Albert Means to Alabama.

Highly disputed by Logan Young. THe NCAA concluded that this occured. The Federal Trial of Logan Young will settle this once and for all.

Beware boys, Fulmer plays dirty

wow i stoped reading after no.31

didnt know we accused them of all that.
I'm always ready to trash "some" Bammers - the ones that take this approach.

A few points of interest:

1) Most obvious is the irony of accusing Fulmer and UT of violations based on hearsay while claiming that Fulmer did this regarding Bama. What a joke! For each of this joker's assertions about Fulmer you could insert the same comment - BASELESS ACCUSATION - NO EVIDENCE PRESENTED.

This has been my greatest frustration in trying to discuss this with Bammers like this guy. They use the same tactics to taint UT that they cry foul about when it comes to their situation. Hello pot, meet kettle. Pick a set of values and stick to them.

2) Romey Hawkins has been discredited; even Tommy Gallion won't touch him. He tried to get Gallion to pay "six figures" for his testimony. Real credible.

3) If you can stomach your way through the list, you will see that the NCAA only pursued a few (e.g. Albert Means related) of the assertions from Fulmer. That tells me that the NCAA pursued things with corroborating evidence.

More significantly, it tells me that they (NCAA) didn't "need" Fulmer "enough" to ignore violations at UT! It just doen't hold water as a theory. I keep telling people that the Gallion case is a defamation case - Cottrell and Williams are claiming that the NCAA unfairly tarnished their names. Gallion's strategy is to show that the NCAA was out to get Bama so bad that they conspired with UT and the Justice Dept. Interesting that Fulmer is NOT a defendent in that suit. Gallion is trying to paint UT as a program out of control. He has claimed that Fulmer runs the state - has had media people fired (the two radio guys) and controls who is placed on the Board of Trustees. All of this is a smoke screen for his case - to show that the NCAA intentionally went after Cottrell and Williams. It is interesting as well that the University of Alabama wants nothing to do with this case and have not been very cooperative with Gallion. University officials probably feel that the penalties were harsh, but they know there were violations.

One further bit of irony, Gallion has stated how terrible it is that Fulmer would try to take down Bama yet he has publicly stated that he shares the same goal for UT!
I like the use of the word "baseless"!?!

If the accusations were so baseless, then why is Logan Young on trial in Federal court in Memphis? Why is Alabama on probation again? Why do Fulmer, the NCAA, and the University of Tennessee have legal proceedings that make confidential information remain confidential, thus if ruled favorably would have the case against Fulmer by the Smith's dismissed again?

I like how they slip their own accusations into the writeup as well. However, the bammer's accusations are KNOWN to be false as the NCAA has cleared Tennessee. However, Alabama is still on probation.... not Tennessee. Logan Young is going to jail..... not Phil Fulmer.

Bammers are dumber than Forrest Gump!
Originally posted by volinbham+Jan 21, 2005 11:53 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (volinbham @ Jan 21, 2005 11:53 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-allvol@Jan 21, 2005 11:51 AM

Bammers are dumber than Forrest Gump&#33;

Run, Bammer, run&#33; :p [/quote]
"stupid is as stupid does"
This guy has no clue - I live in Memphis, TN and I recall a certain debacle between...could it be - Lgaon Young paying a high school coach for Albert Means.

It even went to federal court - this guy is an idiot-

Baseless accusation my a... :furious3:
It amazes me how they claim Fulmer "snitched" on them. Correct me if Im wrong, but if you say someone snitched on you, thats means they turned you in for doing something wrong. Does&#39;nt that mean you&#39;re admitting you&#39;ve done wrong? So whats the big deal? You did something wrong, it was proven, and if Bama didnt do anything wrong, then why in the world did the University accept the penalties and admitted to doing wrong? It just doesnt make any sense for me.

And then for someone to post on the Miami board that Fulmer has moved his cheating ways into Killian HS is obsured. Miami and Killian HS dont have the best relationship. Morely never really looked at UM. He was looking hard at UT and UF. Im sorry that Coach Shiela cant recruit well in south Florida and that we are reeling in the best class in the country. The Bama jealousy gloats all over this board.
Another bit of irony - UT getting a recruit from South Florida is considered evidence of shady/illegal recruiting practices. Didn&#39;t Bama get a guy from California?

Look for Bammer street agents in California :lol:
Its crazy if Tennessee does it but if Bama goes elsewhere and lands someone, then its legit....because Bama has never done anythign wrong.

WHats crazy is that all of a sudden we&#39;re cheating and stealing players from all over the country. NEWSFLASH, Fulmer has been getting players from all over for a long time. He has no choice. Up until this year, Tennessee wasnt the deepest pool of HIgh School talent. Yet weve landed 7 great in state recruits, and tons from all over. Weve had players from Florida before.

Gallion is so stupid. He trying to sue the NCAA for the same thing he claims Fulmer is doing. This dumbass makes no sense. I still havent seen him "pop that fat bastartd yet." This is the longest drawn out process I have ever seen in my life. WHy dont yall just deal with it and move on. Typical Bammer life, living in the past.
Funny&#33; the guy in your avatar posts on another board. He&#39;s called the chef...thought that might be you.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 21, 2005 11:09 AM
wow i stoped reading after no.31

didnt know we accused them of all that.

I stopped reading after he said it was from a bammer on a cane board. LOL
Well, I read the same report that this Bamatrash fan did. Baseless accusation? How about an EYEWITNESS?

UT Assistant Steve Caldwell was at one time, an asst at some obscure Arkansas school. It is here that he met Logan Young. Young took an emense liking to Caldwell and tried for a long time to get him a Job on Gene Stallings&#39; staff.

Whenever UT would spot a recruit in Memphis and made contact with them, Young would send word back to Caldwell that "UT is wasting their time" trying to recruit one of these players. What does that mean?

When Spurrier wrote his infamous letter to DuBose, it fell on deaf ears. CPF had no other option. Logan Young was buying players for Alabama and CPF wasnt about to get into any bidding war (thats why UT pulled out of the running for Albert Means so early).

Wanna know what Lack Of Institutional Control is? How about when the NCAA investigation was announced, the Associate AD at BAMA contacted Logan Young and told he he didnt have to talk to the NCAA. Isnt that a very important point that wasnt addressed by the NCAA? (btw, THAT was exactly what Logan Young told a Birmingham paper, when it was announced that the NCAA was going to interview Young)
so im going to say they really dont like us. the truth must really hurt for them that they cheated. why cant they just let it go.

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