If you don't already despise the ACLU, then read this:



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield

The differences between the US involvement in Afghanistan in 2001-2003 and 2005-2011 are tremendous and profound. And they explain the ugly death toll and the nature of the unwinnable war as it's being fought today.

Today the ACLU is actually suing the US government for daring to use drone strikes against Anwar Al-Awlaki, a top Al-Qaeda terrorist recruiter who was tied to the Christmas bombing and Fort Hood Massacre, because he happens to hold US citizenship.

Two of the sewer rats hiding out in the Qala-i-Jangi basement among the corpses of their own kind happened to hold American citizenship. John Walker Lindh was tried early enough that he received very little mercy from either the media or the court. And he didn't have the Saudi government behind him. Yaser Esam Hamdi on the other hand grew up in Saudi Arabia. And like so many murderers and terrorists before him, Hamdi became a liberal cause celebre. None of them asked what role he may have had in the first US combat death, the murder of Johnny "Mike" Spann during the Battle of Qala-i-Jangi. They were too busy agonizing over how small his prison cell was.

Everyone from the ACLU, the CATO Institute, the AJC, the ABA and Trial Lawyers For Public Justice piled on to help Hamdi. And in one of its most shameful hours since the Dred Scott Decision, the Rehnquist court stood for Hamdi, with only Justice Clarence Thomas left alone to stand up for America and against Islamic Terrorism, along with its native aiders and abettors. Several months later, he was released back to Saudi Arabia, a known revolving door system for terrorists with George Clooney developing a movie to play his lawyer.

Al Queda and the Taliban know that they can move in plain sight with weapons in hand and that our soldiers can't fire until they do. No wonder they can control as much of the country as they want.

Most US casualties in Afghanistan continue to come from IED's employing Ammonium Nitrate imported from Iran, Russia, Germany and China into Pakistan or manufactured in facilities such as Pakistan's own Pak-Arab Fertilizer Company, operated by Nasim Beg, a Pakistani senator with close ties to the government, and smuggled across the border to the Taliban. The fertilizer pipeline flows from mostly enemy countries to our enemies/allies in Pakistan, and across the border to the Taliban. Who have used it to kill record numbers of American and Coalition forces.

The IED strategy depends on the clash between our attempt to control the area with boots on the ground, and the reality that we can never trust any of the natives on the ground.

There is only one hope for women's rights in the Muslim world. And that is the abandonment of Islam.

That outcome is now nearly inevitable. And virtually everyone at the top knows it. The frantic attempts to cobble together some stable coalition that will allow us to leave with handshakes and mission accomplished signs are an act of desperation by diplomats and generals who know better. It might hold together long enough to avoid any frantic scenes resembling those in Vietnam, but even that isn't too likely. Unlike the editorial board of the New York Times or the Washington Post, the Afghans of Kabul know better. They know what's coming.

Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires.

I had several thought in mind before posting this, one is this, although I have some real problems with republicans, I give you my sacred word of honor I will never vote far another democrat, if for no other reason than what the mob owned Hairy Reid called general Patraeus; 'General Betrayus.'

People on this board like to try to label me as racist and lots of other very uncomplimentary words, but look the only praiseworthy individual in my excerpts happens to be African American, he just doesn't happedn to be a sorry pos liberal.

The whole equation is skewed by the fact that we have a so-called commander in chief who is more sympathetic to our enemies than he is to the American people.

And don't think for one minute his denigrating anti-american speeches in Paris and Cairo have endured him to our enemies, in that part of the world the worst thing you can do is publicly speak ill of your own country and tribe.

Obama, no matter how much he is publicly praised by our enemies, is privately seen as a weak leader, to be taken advantage of at every turn.

This is what we see happening in the world.
I'm not sure why you think quoting an extremely conservative, anti-Muslim, Obama basher, gives credibility to your points. I mean, its like a fan of the Gators posting comments from other Gator fans as some kind of "proof" of a point of view you already have.
Islam talks and ex-Muslims warn, but is the West listening?

The Council on American/Islamic Relations (CAIR) already has plans to replace our Constitution with the Quran and states it openly and clearly: The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth." CAIR Co-founder Omar Ahmad.

Leftists support of Islam is demonstrated with the recent news that the far-left Internet news search engine — Google — now seems to be systematically hunting down any sites that post columns remotely unkind to Islam and labeling any criticism of Islam as "hate-speech." When did the truth become "hate speech?"

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) makes no secret of its ingrained hatred of Christianity. While it monitors American schools with a passion resulting from that hatred, this religion-has no-place-in-our-schools group remained silent when Islam was forced down the throats of California school children under the guise of "history."

In Ohio, the ACLU gave the Ohio chapter of CAIR its Liberty Flame Award "for contributions to the advancement and protection of civil liberties." CAIR is supported mostly by Saudi Arabia which practices Wahhabism, the most violent sect in Islam. Within the Saudi kingdom, women are second class citizens, Christians are imprisoned and tortured for daring to pray in their own homes, and no other belief other than Islam is allowed. In fact, to be a Saudi citizen, one must be Muslim.

CAIR and ACLU joined forces to sue the federal government for monitoring certain mosques and clerics believed to have preached violent behavior after 9/11. Did the Nazi groups in America have the protection of a group like the ACLU during World War II? It would be bordering on suicidal not to observe those who live on American soil who often preach and teach the overthrow and destruction of the American culture.

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