If you had an employee that was getting drunk on the job...

Only in fun....

We used to have a guy spiking his coffee every morning. When it was Baileys one person put some laxative in it. He thought no one knew what he was doing but after being caught and having to pay the price of multiple trips to the restroom, he stopped.
Back in the glorious days of the US (pre Temperance movement,) businesses actually had morning and afternoon "grog" breaks. Waiting for the pendulum to swing back that way...considering we can't even drink in combat zones anymore.
This is why I enjoyed my time working in Germany. The culture is no big deal drinking a beer during breaks and lunch. Not to excess but just having a beer with your snack or lunch. Aahhh, miss those good ole days.
neo-puritans...I like that. Here in Oklahoma, what some know as Repulican redneck heaven....they have this thing called selective morality, very Jerry Falwellish. They made a huge deal outta shutting down Rooster fighting, but they love their horse racing. Its like anywhere else though its all about bringing in cash to the treasury. They have 3.2 beer here like a veiled prohibition but the Indian Nations casinos are everywhere. Now I realize you can disect this and say Im comparing apples to oranges but I just see it as humorous hypocrasy.
Or how it is OK for the grocery store to sell beer and wine but if the locals vote on a eating establishment serving by the drink, they come out preaching who is going to hell.
My favorite is: Gambling bad. State sanctioned lottery that amounts to a regressive tax . . . no problem.
Ahhh...one of my biggest issues with my bud Ralph Reed. He cmapaigned against Indian casinos telling us how evil gambling is. Ask him about the HOPE Scholarship here in GA and his reply? "It's an already settled issue." So gambling is evil unless people already voted on it?
State lotteries are just comical to me. Instead of the HOPE scholarship, they should call it the "Let's fund college educations a dollar bill at a time from people who can't afford it" Scholarship.
State lotteries are just comical to me. Instead of the HOPE scholarship, they should call it the "Let's fund college educations a dollar bill at a time from people who can't afford it" Scholarship.

I'm not complaining about it. It paid for part of my schooling. If it's there and I had the grades to qualify, I'm using it.
Are you telling me that if given a free ride if you keep your grades up you wouldn't take it?
Are you telling me that if given a free ride if you keep your grades up you wouldn't take it?

OF COURSE I'd take it. :p HOPE came along just as I was graduating, but my sister got a free ride from lower and middle income earners stopping at the convenience store every day. It's crazy.
If anybody is going to raise a stink about drinking ANYWHERE it's people like "Science in the Public Interest" and other Nanny-state types who lay awake nights worrying that somebody, somewhere might be having a good time. You mustn't smoke. FIVE DRINKS A WEEK is "binge drinking"?!?!?! (Yes gentle readers that was one of the criteria for the recent "party school" rankings) Coca-Cola is dangerous - drink green tea instead :puke5: . I'm so over these people that I'd really like to see a law banning all "healthy lifestyle" news releases, PSA's and studies for a period of 3,275 years.

These humorless types make the Puritans look like Dead Heads in a pot field.

See the related thread, re: smoking on company property.
This is why I enjoyed my time working in Germany. The culture is no big deal drinking a beer during breaks and lunch. Not to excess but just having a beer with your snack or lunch. Aahhh, miss those good ole days.

Didn't realize it was a big no no to have a beer at lunch. I do it often.

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