There's not even a story here. What were they supposed to serve, Klingon food? I agree with one of the comments that anyone that made that connection between space aliens and illegal immigrants are probably the racist ones.
ngl I think it would have been hilarious if that was a joke that someone said in the planning meeting and someone else was like...yo but Mexican food for a buffet is cheap as hell, let's just do that
True.adt seeking the sermon the question was posed "if God stopped blessing you today, would you serve him tomorrow?" Went on to say what if the iPods and iPhones and Iwatches went to some remote area of Africa that has nothing, and the cars did too, and we had to walk and ride on camels. What if it was our friends and countrymen laid out on the street after being gunned down for claiming Christianity. How would we react?
We have, comparatively, no problems so we thrive in creating them to push agendas