Illustration of what SoS and SoR mean



#orangefont always implied
Apr 23, 2010
Last week Ut was in the low 100s in SoS and fairly low on SoR also.. now we are number 2 in SoR and 53 in SoS. 2024 Resume College Football Power Index - ESPN

These are all numbers that will fluctuate week to week depending on the results of other games. Who we play who they play all matters. Everytime a team we play wins it helps us everytime they lose it hurts. if we also beat them or lost to them the amount we are helped and hurt is compunded. For these next few weeks these ranking will jump all over the palce week to week. Around week 8 or so they get morel ocked in as enough data has compiled. For isntance temas like UT our SoS will increase as the season progresses for the most part. For a tema like for instance Utah theirs will drop like a rock as its very likely they wont play another ranked team all season.
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