I'm not saying it was aliens



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005

Florida House candidate who claims she was abducted by aliens endorsed by major newspaper

The Miami Herald has endorsed Rodriguez Aguilera, a Republican vying to replace outgoing Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen in Florida’s 27th congressional district. The candidate, a former Doral councilwoman, made headlines after she claimed she was visited by extraterrestrials – which she’s described as appearing like women with long, blonde hair – when she was 7 years old.

She previously told the Miami Herald that these aliens have communicated with her multiple times throughout her life.

The aliens took her into their spaceship and spoke to her about events that would happen, Rodriguez Aguilera has said. She’s also spoken about these supposed events with several Spanish-language news outlets.

“We realize that Rodriguez Aguilera is an unusual candidate,” the Miami Herald said in its endorsement of her, adding that it agrees with Rodriguez Aguilera that her experiences are “a non-issue.

See, now if I was one of you right wing loons here on the PF I would claim that this means that ALL Republicans were either abducted by aliens, or support being abducted by aliens.

I kind of hope she wins. Hilarity ensures. And here's a thought: Q is an alien. My proof? Lack of proof that he is not.

Florida House candidate who claims she was abducted by aliens endorsed by major newspaper

See, now if I was one of you right wing loons here on the PF I would claim that this means that ALL Republicans were either abducted by aliens, or support being abducted by aliens.

I kind of hope she wins. Hilarity ensures. And here's a thought: Q is an alien. My proof? Lack of proof that he is not.

So these aliens obviously don’t have VISAs and are in our country illegally kidnapping our citizens. Why the hell cant you lefties get on board with tougher immigration laws. Build the space wall ASAP dammit! Sheesh...
Better to keep that to herself........true or not, keep that one close to the vest and away from public consumption.
First, welcome to Earth. Second, about this "who probes who" issue, I have some thoughts...and brought my own in fact.

ScreenHunter_2753 Aug. 24 11.11.jpg
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Better to keep that to herself........true or not, keep that one close to the vest and away from public consumption.

Shame but true. One day, fairly soon, as a populace, we will grow up enough to be able to have those kinds of conversations about ET/IBEs but, obviously, now is not the time.

People are very, very curious about these subjects and are equally afraid to speak out about them. 80 replies, almost 12,000 views.
Good news!! Get insurance before your abduction!

Good news!! Get insurance before your abduction!

They need something to offset their massive losses on their now defunct flood insurance portion of the business
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Good news!! Get insurance before your abduction!

If a UFO ever sets down in front of me and little people like creatures with big heads and dark eyes invite me to get on board, I’m going! Cause I just gotta know. Hope they’ll let me fly that sucker.
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If a UFO ever sets down in front of me and little people like creatures with big heads and dark eyes invite me to get on board, I’m going! Cause I just gotta know. Hope they’ll let me fly that sucker.
Wife and I saw a UFO. Strangest **** I've ever seen in the sky. Never saw any aliens.
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Need to know more when you have time.
A few years ago July 4th weekend. We were at my wife's parents lake house in Tellico Village. We were sitting at the dock shortly before sunset with our daughter. We saw what looked like a small full shaped moon object in the sky. We were discussing what it could be. A planet, another planets moon etc.. All of a sudden it began moving very quickly. All directions. Up, down, side to side, then zoom off until it was a spec. Then it would come zooming back in to where it was twice the size from earlier. Later that night, around 1:00 in the morning, my wife and I were on the back deck overlooking the lake. It came back and behaved in the same manner.

Have no clue what it was. My wife and I are convinced it's either a celestial event we don't understand or something not man made that was in our view.
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A few years ago July 4th weekend. We were at my wife's parents lake house in Tellico Village. We were sitting at the dock shortly before sunset with our daughter. We saw what looked like a small full shaped moon object in the sky. We were discussing what it could be. A planet, another planets moon etc.. All of a sudden it began moving very quickly. All directions. Up, down, side to side, then zoom off until it was a spec. Then it would come zooming back in to where it was twice the size from earlier. Later that night, around 1:00 in the morning, my wife and I were on the back deck overlooking the lake. It came back and behaved in the same manner.

Have no clue what it was. My wife and I are convinced it's either a celestial event we don't understand or something not man made that was in our view.
A few years ago July 4th weekend. We were at my wife's parents lake house in Tellico Village. We were sitting at the dock shortly before sunset with our daughter. We saw what looked like a small full shaped moon object in the sky. We were discussing what it could be. A planet, another planets moon etc.. All of a sudden it began moving very quickly. All directions. Up, down, side to side, then zoom off until it was a spec. Then it would come zooming back in to where it was twice the size from earlier. Later that night, around 1:00 in the morning, my wife and I were on the back deck overlooking the lake. It came back and behaved in the same manner.

Have no clue what it was. My wife and I are convinced it's either a celestial event we don't understand or something not man made that was in our view.
That’s exactly what my first officer and I saw saw about three months ago. First and only time I’ve seen anything like it. It was 4 to 5 lights and they would separate quickly from each other, sometimes one or two would move away from the group quickly and then come back. The lights would also change brightness with no real rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes they were in a different pattern when they came back together. They would move multiple directions very quickly, but we could tell they’re very far away from us. Eventually, they all moved away pretty quickly and their lights just faded out. We watched it for about 20 to 30 minutes flying out west. Was not satellites because satellites don’t move this way and they weren’t trailing each other.
That’s exactly what my first officer and I saw saw about three months ago. First and only time I’ve seen anything like it. It was 4 to 5 lights and they would separate quickly from each other, sometimes one or two would move away from the group quickly and then come back. The lights would also change brightness with no real rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes they were in a different pattern when they came back together. They would move multiple directions very quickly, but we could tell they’re very far away from us. Eventually, they all moved away pretty quickly and their lights just faded out. We watched it for about 20 to 30 minutes flying out west. Was not satellites because satellites don’t move this way and they weren’t trailing each other.
I guess no radar..did you report to Traffic Control to see if they could see them?
I guess no radar..did you report to Traffic Control to see if they could see them?
No, not a thing to ATC, but there were a few of us on guard frequency chatting about it. These things were easily above the earth’s stratosphere so ATC wouldn’t get a radar return on them anyway. Best to leave them out of it. Those on guard freq that were not seeing it insisted it was Star Link satellites. Those that were watching it were saying there was no way the movement of these objects were consistent with the Star Link satellites. I mean, who knows…could’ve been DoD testing out some new toys none of us know anything about.
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