Im sick......

Never. Fans will call for Butch to be fired after this year and not shut up till they get their way.
I can't stop saying this.

Tennessee football is the worst thing in my life. Why do I keep coming back?
I think before this is over we will have fallen out of the top 10 in most historical categories.

This run is going to leave a very nasty stain on the legacy of our program. Its become an embarrassment where it used to be a source of pride.
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I think before this is over we will have fallen out of the top 10 in most historical categories.

This run is going to leave a very nasty stain on the legacy of our program. Its become an embarrassment where it used to be a source of pride.

It almost makes me wanna cry. This program should not be in this position. It's not where we belong.
This team don't know how to win we had our opportunities and like always we screwed it up. This team is a embarrassment to TN football
I hate this shotgun offense every play. You CAN'T run the ball behind our o-line with this crap. No FB, no lead blockers, just crap! No mobile QB either!
Were down by ten to the number 19 team in the land and prob the best d we will face all year...

We need to grow a pair as a fan base and stop acting like we no how to run a program any better...

That is all...
We have this Tennessee luck. It's always been around. It has to be the water in Knoxville.

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