In A Rut



Senior Member
Jan 13, 2005
Man, right now I just feel like I am falling into the black hole of outer space.

Basketball is awful...Lady Vols lost to loses to Baylor and A&M...and recruiting is over. :dunno:

Somebody needs to jump on the olde board here with some GOOD NEWS!

And the nfl draft is happening sometime soon. Thats always fun to watch (at least for me.)
High school baseball starts up here in about a in about a month I won't be on here much....but if you're into high school sports, that's where its at this Spring
lucky you. i cant do anything since blowing out my knee playing football. rehab sucks during the day, but after 6 I cant do nothing im in so much pain. thats why im on here so much. Summer is gonna suck.
I'm looking forward to the summer...I finally get my license! Might not be a big deal to you but it is to me......I've never really had an accident in sports and hurt anything too bad...although I did turn my ankle BAD last year...and that's what sucks......You mess up your ankle once, you've messed it up for good...I can go out and play basketball for an hour and it kills me
Man, I rolled my ankle three times during basketball tryouts and didn't make the cut. It sucked. Next year I can make it.
10ainge10, my son just finished up tryouts today. Had to be at the HS at 6:00am. What about you? position, etc?

My kid is the FINE looking young man on the left! His HS wins state almost every year. OK, I'll quit bragging!


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BHAM......My school isn't really big enough to have what you would say tryouts but everyone that goes out is decent...We're really young and have good expectations going into the year,,,rebuilding a program is all we're doing

I myself play at 3rd base, 1st base, basically anywhere in the infield except catcher....I'm pitching this year for the first time in 3 years so I'm in process of working on my pitching game and learning some new pitches....We've got a former major leaguer as our pitching coach this year so our "staff" will be decent.....Looking to finish middle of district...Possibly win it
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Feb 12, 2005 11:26 PM
10ainge10, my son just finished up tryouts today. Had to be at the HS at 6:00am. What about you? position, etc?

My kid is the FINE looking young man on the left! His HS wins state almost every year. OK, I'll quit bragging!

LOL....We done good last year to just win a game in the district tournament....but like I said we were rebuilding last year...New Coach and all...We had 10 frosh on our Varsity 4 of them started....So in the next 3 years we're looking to be VERY good and hopefully consistent and win us a District title and go to state
Hey good luck! My kid is pitching and playing CF/LF. His pitching coach pitched at LSU in 2000 when they went to the CWS.
Let me tell you, I would never wish the injury i had on my worst enemy. I could feel it popping in and out. then i had to sit on the sideline for 35 minutes because the ambulance was taking there sweet time getting there. everyone thought I was over exagerrating. man was it painful. i would take a rolled ankle any day of the week then have this injury.
I've had so many rolled ankles, I just hobble around for about five minutes or so then get back to full speed. I don't even care.
yeah but that is because were young and flexable. Just imagine getting these rolled ankles when were 30. I was playing b-ball with my friends dad and he rolled his ankle and it was swollen for about a month.
Hey thanks....We'll need it this year....I believe that my pitching coach played for the Reds and was a relief pitcher.....Really great guy....I'm looking forward to this year.....we went 8-16 this past year and we lost some close games but we learnt from them.....It was the best season the seniors had ever had since they were there.....We as Freshman, helped them accomplish a lot of things that they hadn't done before we got up there.....My freshman class last year was really competitive and athletic....We're loaded with talent to be so young.....But does your kid's team have that one rival that they just hate? Wouldn't care if they won a game all year as long as they beat THAT team? We do and that's our goal this year...To stomp some Pigeon Forge Tiger @$$ LOL
I have some great news......I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance!


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Originally posted by vols2345@Feb 12, 2005 11:39 PM
yeah but that is because were young and flexable. Just imagine getting these rolled ankles when were 30. I was playing b-ball with my friends dad and he rolled his ankle and it was swollen for about a month.

Man what really tends to piss you off is when you're playing bball with a bunch of your friends and there is always that one guy that you can't stand playing on the other team and he can't stand you either and he tries to take you out.....Well let's just say that guy succeeded in taking me out.....He payed for it when I got back from the ER.....The guy just happened to be competing with me for a spot on the ball team...which I beat him that made it even sweeter....I was a 2 years starter in middle school when this happened......If that had never happened..not to be conceited or anything but I would have been a baller LOL
I know what your talking about. I have always hated playing someone who I just can't stand. You just always know your gonna get hacked hard everytime you go to the basket. And then if you foul they get all pissed and try to start something. So what I do when I play someone I hate is just pull it up and dunk it on them. they always go find someone else to gaurd.
I play someone I hate....I swat the living #&%($&(#&^$ out of that basketball every time they shoot the ball lol......Then they try and avoid you the whole game....I stiff armed the kid one day playing against him...he tried pushing me in the back every time I blew by him on the break and I finally had enough of him and just layed him out with a stiff arm haha
Originally posted by surrealvol@Feb 12, 2005 10:31 PM
Man, right now I just feel like I am falling into the black hole of outer space.

Basketball is awful...Lady Vols lost to loses to Baylor and A&M...and recruiting is over. :dunno:

Somebody needs to jump on the olde board here with some GOOD NEWS!

Think you've had a bad week? Here's mine:

Wednesday: UNC loses to rival Duke
Thursday: Lady Vols lose to LSU
Friday: Cleveland Cavs lose to Denver Nuggets.

Added in that last night I also lost big in poker, blowing a big chance to get into a satellite tournament coming this March.

All my teams lost, and I have 50 bucks less than what I had before Frday night...this week sucks for me.
Man that sucks. I still say that sitting in the house all weekend doing nothing but watching your teams lose is worse. At least you can go places.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Feb 12, 2005 11:42 PM
I have some great news......I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance!

wow i didnt see that coming
Man, did everyone notice that board behind BHAMVOLFAN's son with all those state championship years on it? That's impressive! :rocks:

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