Inaugural Orange & White World Series



Touchdown Tennessee
Aug 30, 2006
The dates have been set for the Inaugural Orange and White World series. In the past, only one game has been played. Raleigh has changed that to a 5 game series this year. The teams will be determined using a draft and all games will be played no matter what the record is.

Game One: Friday, Oct. 5 at 3 p.m.
Game Two: Sunday, Oct. 7 at 1 p.m.,
Game Three: Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 3 p.m.
Game Four: Saturday, Oct. 20 at 1:30 p.m.
Game Five: Sunday, Oct. 21 at 1 p.m

UT Sports Official Site
I agree VKB. Raleigh was a great hire. Mike Hamilton is the man.
I agree VKB. Raleigh was a great hire. Mike Hamilton is the man.

Then you won't be complaining if/when the Vols start losing?

I'm going to give Raleigh credit so far, but he has an undermanned and inexperienced team he is fielding this year, so it could be a little while before we get results.
I may try to go on Sunday if I can free up the time. Sounds like fun.
Don't get me wrong. I'm definately looking forward to seeing the battles play out and us seeing some inspired baseball now.
Then you won't be complaining if/when the Vols start losing?

I'm going to give Raleigh credit so far, but he has an undermanned and inexperienced team he is fielding this year, so it could be a little while before we get results.

No I won't be complaining. Anyone with half a brain knows it's going to take him at least two seasons to turn things around and get some players in. Anything has to be more promising than last season's meltdown
Orange beats white on Sunday to even series at 1-1.

UT Sports Official Site

How did the world series finish up?

Does it look like a LONG season coming up. I am just wondering how the recruiting went for the '08 that pretty much recruits from previous coach?? Ralaigh seems to know what he's doing but I think the players were getting burned out with the world series games and they thought they were gay and stuff.
if the players are burned out after 3 games this is going to be a long year. I hope they make it more than 10 games before quitting and saying baseball is gay as you would infer.
if the players are burned out after 3 games this is going to be a long year. I hope they make it more than 10 games before quitting and saying baseball is gay as you would infer.

I agree. Only 1 kid left the program and that was Coach DelRod's son. Basically, getting used to coach Todd is the big adjustment, especially for umm, those that have been here under "DelRod". Coach Todd doesn't have that Bill Cowher look you see so some players are just put off by him and it's just getting used to it I suppose. He seems like somewhat of a cool dude though. Later....
R.I.P. Coach Delmonico, the sun will rise in the east and that 36K per month for 12 months won't're buyin' lunch damn it!!!

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