Independent State Legislature Theory - Moore v. Harper

They are badly applying a couple things to create something worth fearing.

A right to a republican (a Republic) government doesnt necessitate the limits/standards of elections away from state bodies. States can choose their representatives differently from each other. Simple majority vs a larger majority. They can vote on different days (most do), they can assign representatives differently, all or nothing, vs weighted. And it can vary even on the election in question. So it's not a question of can states do this. It's a question of how far can they go.

It seems like the first article wants to throw in matters of gerrymandering to actual election counts.

And I really doubt these state constitutions actually rebuke the national constitution because they would have been thrown out a long time ago as invalid.

I am chalking this up as well worded lawyer mumbojumbo to drive clicks and fears.
I actually was surprised that the R's would have a plan. They usually just stand there and get kicked in the nuts.
Republicans often put a lot of thought into their plans. Just look at the Chicago 4th of July parade shooter.
Lets make a deal: You all don't pack the SCOTUS and we won't use state assemblies to overturn presidential elections.

Let me fix that for you - Dems dont massively cheat in the election by using mail in fraud and state assemblies will have no reason to overturn presidential elections
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theories that Republicans are trying to steal elections are legit and to be taken seriously.

theories that Democrats are trying to steal elections are dangerous conspiracies, anti-Democracy and indications of domestic terrorism.
Now you’re gettin it!

I don’t remember the sister calling out the New York gerrymandering attempt that got slapped down in the courts. That’s different?

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