Inky Johnson



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
I heard Inky speak today at my sons football camp..If you have never heard him speak in person,you are missing out. For him to have the outlook on life after his life changing injury is unreal. So if you get the opportunity to hear him speak,take advantage of it!!
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Nope,my wife had the camera...but it was a powerful speech. My 10 year old said it was his favorite part of the camp. I got a chance to talk to him before he spoke and that was the highlight of my day!!
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There is a recent vid of him addressing team 117 wonder if it was the same message. If so, it is very powerful.
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One of my favorite Vols of all time. He could have easily become bitter and given up yet Inky pushed forward and continues to show the type of character that more men should have.
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He is a good man. Although every person I know that truly puts God first, like Inky, has a certain glow about them.Seems we'd take something from that? Must be something to it!
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He is a good man. Although every person I know that truly puts God first, like Inky, has a certain glow about them.Seems we'd take something from that? Must be something to it!

In case I've never mentioned it before- that's a very odd screen name

Inky - true VFL

He is very motivational.
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Whats odd about it?
easy to remember since I don't live on here year round.
seen a lot more odd ones there AC

I think your name is fine........ I do have a question.

Do you have to change your name as your weight fluctuates?
I just finished reading Inky's book a few days ago. I have a lot respect for Inky and his outlook on life.
he has been speaking for a few years now and he is one of the few speakers I've ever heard who can make a room feel like crying and celebrating at the same time. He is a blessed man.
Inky and Lattimore's injuries were the only time I can recall my heart absolutely breaking and to the point where I actually got a little misty eyed when they happened. That's saying something since I *heard* Inky's injury on the radio rather than *saw* it on tv. Other injuries have terrified me or made me sad but those two broke my heart not just because they were freak injuries but also because both were and are outstanding young men.

I think Latti has a real shot in the Pros (the science and surgical techniques today are on a whole new level than they were only a few years ago) but even at his best his a finer man that football player and the same is true of Inky.

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