No way the US can support Mubarak with everything going on there right now. Mubarak is toast and will soon have to seek asylum elsewhere. Things have suddenly become much more tense from Israel's perspective not only with this issue but the Iranian nuclear issue as well, the timing couldn't have been much worse.
And they're realizing that Obama isn't an Israeli panderer and are therefore much more concerned than if Bush was in office.
He doesn't have the time.
No, he doesn't have the will:
BBC News - US-Israel row: Israeli views
I'm not saying this is a wise strategy... but it doesn't look like Obama is going to take a significantly pro-Israel stance.
No, he doesn't have the will:
BBC News - US-Israel row: Israeli views
I'm not saying this is a wise strategy... but it doesn't look like Obama is going to take a significantly pro-Israel stance.
Spinning Obama's position on Egypt as an intentional swipe at Israel is mind-numbingly ignorant of the realities of the situation.
The George Soros funded Media Matters has been
waging a months-long attack on Glenn Beck trying
to brand the commentator as a card carrying anti-
Semite. Perhaps before making false charges against
Beck, Media Matters should examine its own house
of cards. In a column published today on Media
Matters political correction site, MJ Rosenberg
claimed that the current Egyptian crisis was the
fault of AIPAC and the “Israel Lobby.” For those
of you who have lived on a different planet till
today, “Israel Lobby” is a polite way of saying
Instead of focusing on what Glenn Beck says
about one Jew, George Soros, Media Matters
should focus on what MJ Rosenberg is saying
about all Jews in their name.