Internal Google Document Ties White Supremacy to Trump, MAGA, and Ben Shapiro


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
Google employees have reportedly created an internal document called “Anti-racism resources” that ties white supremacy to former President Donald Trump and his "Make America Great Again" movement, along with popular conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

The revelations are relevant to the national debate over critical race theory , an ideology that encourages people to see themselves and others through the lens of race.

A Google diversity, equity, and inclusion leader created an internal company document that advances the idea in one graphic that Trump, Shapiro, and other conservatives are layers in a "white supremacy pyramid" that culminates in violence and mass murder, according to reporting by Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute.

Internal Google document ties white supremacy to Trump, MAGA, and Ben Shapiro
Google employees have reportedly created an internal document called “Anti-racism resources” that ties white supremacy to former President Donald Trump and his "Make America Great Again" movement, along with popular conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

The revelations are relevant to the national debate over critical race theory , an ideology that encourages people to see themselves and others through the lens of race.

A Google diversity, equity, and inclusion leader created an internal company document that advances the idea in one graphic that Trump, Shapiro, and other conservatives are layers in a "white supremacy pyramid" that culminates in violence and mass murder, according to reporting by Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute.

Internal Google document ties white supremacy to Trump, MAGA, and Ben Shapiro
Would Ben Shapiro be the first Jewish white supremacist in modern history?
Google employees need to cut that crap out and get to making their apps work right and designing phones that don't ship with show stopping issues.

Now I know what they've been doing instead.
Liberals don't believe in work. They only believe in two things: 1) telling other people how to live their lives, and 2) taking other people's money and a) giving it to people that don't work and b) spending the rest of their money on wasteful, frivolous crap.
Liberals don't believe in work. They only believe in two things: 1) telling other people how to live their lives, and 2) taking other people's money and a) giving it to people that don't work and b) spending the rest of their money on wasteful, frivolous crap.

Broad brushes aren't worth painting with. Do better.
Google employees have reportedly created an internal document called “Anti-racism resources” that ties white supremacy to former President Donald Trump and his "Make America Great Again" movement, along with popular conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

The revelations are relevant to the national debate over critical race theory , an ideology that encourages people to see themselves and others through the lens of race.

A Google diversity, equity, and inclusion leader created an internal company document that advances the idea in one graphic that Trump, Shapiro, and other conservatives are layers in a "white supremacy pyramid" that culminates in violence and mass murder, according to reporting by Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute.

Internal Google document ties white supremacy to Trump, MAGA, and Ben Shapiro

So? He can't have an opinion?

I think Trump largely ran on race baiting in '16 and '20. Hardly oh nooooeess hair on fire news.
Racist mascots ..... is covert white supremacy?

All Lives Matter ..... is covert white supremacy?
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Google employees have reportedly created an internal document called “Anti-racism resources” that ties white supremacy to former President Donald Trump and his "Make America Great Again" movement, along with popular conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

The revelations are relevant to the national debate over critical race theory , an ideology that encourages people to see themselves and others through the lens of race.

A Google diversity, equity, and inclusion leader created an internal company document that advances the idea in one graphic that Trump, Shapiro, and other conservatives are layers in a "white supremacy pyramid" that culminates in violence and mass murder, according to reporting by Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute.

Internal Google document ties white supremacy to Trump, MAGA, and Ben Shapiro

I thought Shapiro was a Jew?

Celebrating Columbus Day is White Supremacy?

View attachment 393632

Oh they got me on the jokes.
Google employees have reportedly created an internal document called “Anti-racism resources” that ties white supremacy to former President Donald Trump and his "Make America Great Again" movement, along with popular conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

The revelations are relevant to the national debate over critical race theory , an ideology that encourages people to see themselves and others through the lens of race.

A Google diversity, equity, and inclusion leader created an internal company document that advances the idea in one graphic that Trump, Shapiro, and other conservatives are layers in a "white supremacy pyramid" that culminates in violence and mass murder, according to reporting by Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute.

Internal Google document ties white supremacy to Trump, MAGA, and Ben Shapiro

I have all but stopped participating in most diversity and inclusion events with my employer. I will find other ways to serve the community at large and tie it to employer outreach. Leftist agendas ruin everything and has brought out the fringe nutcases that hoped to gain the audience that was already putting in good work using a more positive platform.

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