Good to see the great Ferentz keeping everything in line.
I can't tell if you're bashing him for this or if you actually know the whole situation and are being serious.
Hopefully you're being serious because word is that it was Kirk Ferentz's idea to drug test them all. They showed up to practice and he dropped the bomb on them with no forewarning to clean out their system.
I think it's really interesting Ferentz chose to go this route. A lot of coaches wouldn't jeopardize their career by getting 20 players suspended and possibly booted from the team.
I was referencing about how overated he is. It had nothing to do with the testing or suspensions.
wesruckerCTFP Wes Rucker
Photo of a recent Iowa football practice: Yfrog Photo : - Shared by wesruckerCTFP
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