IRS Warns Americans of New Law in 2023



Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010
Made money online this year? You could owe more in taxes

"Starting in 2023, more people who made money on eBay, Etsy, Poshmark, Uber or other digital platforms will have their income reported to the Internal Revenue Service. Anyone who made more than $600 via a gig platform or who was paid that much on Venmo will receive a 1099-K form, meaning that those funds will be reported to the IRS, the agency said.

Americans already receive 1099 forms if they make money as an independent contractor, if they earn interest on a bank savings account or if they make a significant sum by selling things online. What's new is the $600 threshold.

Before this year, people only received a 1099-K form if they earned at least $20,000 from online platforms and made more than 200 transactions on the platform. Now, a single transaction exceeding $600 can trigger a 1099-K reporting requirement, according too IRS. "

More: Just ONE offense reported by TicketMaster, PayPal, Cash App or Venmo, you get audited.

IRS warns Americans about $600 threshold to report Venmo, Cash App payments

"Beginning this year, third-party payment processors will be required to report a user's business transactions to the IRS if they exceed $600 for the year. The payment apps were previously required to send users Form 1099-K if their gross income exceeded $20,000 or they had 200 separate transactions within a calendar year.

Democrats made the change in March 2021, when they passed the American Rescue Plan without any Republican votes. Now, a single transaction over $600 will trigger the form. The change is intended to crack down on Americans evading taxes by not reporting the full extent of their gross income. However, critics say that it amounts to government overreach at its worst and that it could ultimately hurt small businesses."
Middle class beware the IRS will be coming after us with a vengeance. Much easier targets than the millionaires and billionaires because they can afford to fight.

You continue to separate the wealthy from the middle class, its easier to control the middle class.
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The only people that will be negatively impacted by this are those illegally dodging taxes...
Amen. I self report all that type of income already.

When I sign my tax return I sleep easier knowing that I didn't lie on it and my word is true.
This really isn't a new law as much as it is the IRS having another tool to make sure people report what they should report...

Yes, yes I know this. You must be an accountant?

The rub comes with people who haven't needed to use an accountant due their transactions being a minimal part of their income will end up with penalties and interest over mistakes. Then it will snowball.
The GOP needs to defund the IRS entirely. After they were weaponized under Obama and Lois Lerner, they never should have been allowed to continue. Make a national sales tax and let that be it.
The GOP needs to get in power and pass new legislation for national sales tax/VAT. Until then, you need to comply with existing legislation...

And the IRS would exist in a VAT world. Countries like Brazil have far more aggressive than authorities than the US...
Or making an honest mistake. The IRS doesn't give a do-over, they start with penalties and interest typically from the time of the error which can be 2-3 years or more past.

Not reporting your business income isn't an honest mistake....
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Not reporting your business income isn't an honest mistake....

You know I'm talking about people who make minimal transactions and not people using ebay and ext as their primary income source. There will be people caught with less than 10k in total sales of whatever that didn't keep records to offest the income and end up paying the full load on the amount they collected.

I'm not talking about the full time gig worker or people who make their living on Etsy.
Never said that but they already get W2s, interest, dividend, 1099, stock sales, etc. Just wondering why the fuss over this and not that...

Because you know what they will do. They'll be going after the honest people who made an error and hitting them because the IRS knows they can't fight back.
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