Is Barbara 'maam' Boxer facing defeat in her senate race??



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Gateway Pundit

On October 12, Scott Swett at the American Thinker
reported that

Senator Barabara Boxer (D-CA) along with
Representatives Raul Grijalva (D-AZ),
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and
Henry Waxman (D-CA)

secured diplomatic courtesy letters that allowed
anti-American Code Pink activists to travel to the
Iraqi border. The radicals traveled to Jordan and
the Iraqi border in late 2004 to donate $600,000
worth of 'humanitarian' aid to the people who had
just killed 51 Americans and wounded 560 more
earlier that month. Operation Phantom Fury in
Fallujah was the heaviest US urban combat since
the Vietnam War.

After the report was published at American Thinker
the article was deleted at Islam Online.

But, thanks to the internet archive a copy of the
article is still available:

Perhaps the most revealing window into Boxer’s
true feelings towards our military is her close
alliance with Code Pink, a radical leftist group
that reviles American troops as terrorists and
assassins while praising their enemies as freedom
fighters. (hell it worked in Yugolavia didn't it?)

For years, Code Pink has viciously harassed
wounded veterans and their families outside
Walter Reed Hospital, even telling the mother
of a slain Navy Seal that her son “deserved
to die.”

Code Pink actively supports terror groups such
as Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban,
Hezbollah and al Qaeda.

They love Fidel, Hugo and Barry also!!


Due to pressure from VFW members, the VFW
political PAC has withdrawn their endorcement
of Babes Boxer.

one could only hope that that sawed-off trollop loses in two weeks
Barb Boxer?s Indian tribe take - The Hill's Pundits Blog

Shortly after passage, the newly minted Indian
tribe declared that after much soul-searching,
the only thing it could do was open a casino on
the outskirts of San Francisco in the town of
Rohnert Park.

According to, Doug Boxer’s take from
the project was a very Abramoff-like $8 million.


And that, boys and girls, is the abridged story of
how you create an Indian tribe and profit off of it
in six easy steps. Isn’t it nice to have a Senate
Ethics Committee chairwoman who is so skillful at
playing the game?


Best thing for this country is if the GOP takes back Congress. In my lifetime(47 years), this country has operated best when opposing parties are in the executive and legislative branches of government. The worst thing that could happen would be for Republicans to take Congress back and then win the White House. Too bad the GOP didn't have a better candidate to run against Obama. The fringes(far left and far right) have to be represented to a certain extent, but a LOT LESS SO would be best for our country. Give me a Congress of moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats and I will be happy.

It's all about compromise. Effective and workable solutions will be reached with balance.
Best thing for this country is if the GOP takes back Congress. In my lifetime(47 years), this country has operated best when opposing parties are in the executive and legislative branches of government. The worst thing that could happen would be for Republicans to take Congress back and then win the White House. Too bad the GOP didn't have a better candidate to run against Obama. The fringes(far left and far right) have to be represented to a certain extent, but a LOT LESS SO would be best for our country. Give me a Congress of moderate Republicans and conservative Democrats and I will be happy.

It's all about compromise. Effective and workable solutions will be reached with balance.

Hear, hear. The probem is getting said candidates to run and get elected in the modern political environment. What one has to go through to attain public office at that high a level is virtually unbearable.

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