Is the hurt starting to go away some?


Vol Mania 21

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2006
I was devastated in Sat nite's loss. i punched a hole in the door and it seemed like the end of the world was here. i know that this year is suppose to b a rebuilding year. but we could've and should've beat florida, and that would've been a huge step towards being back on top. i couldn't watch tv after the game i just turned it off for the rest of the nite. yesterday i was just n a down mood all day, this mornin i'm still not happy, but when i look back at it in the areas that we sucked, we still hung n there n that is encouraging. i think we can get georgia, they haven't played ne one other than S.Carolina, n they don't look great. i wanna beat bama by 50, n lsu scares me. we should b fine. but God i hate florida
not for my mother either.her and dad were there and as they entered the stadium a drunk florida fan ran over my 65 yr old mom knocking her down to the concrete. she spent saturday nite in the hospital undergoing emergency surgery having permanent pins placed in her broken wrists both of them.she should be ok and hopefully back in west tn tonite.
hey i saw rural metro leaving the stadium after the game, was wondering if somebody was gettin their arse whipped, sorry to hear that hope ur mother is doing fine
not for my mother either.her and dad were there and as they entered the stadium a drunk florida fan ran over my 65 yr old mom knocking her down to the concrete. she spent saturday nite in the hospital undergoing emergency surgery having permanent pins placed in her broken wrists both of them.she should be ok and hopefully back in west tn tonite.

That's awful . . . I hope she's doing OK and I hope you sue the daylights out of somebody. :realmad:
yeah i am starting to feel better but only after drinking till 4am after the game. then going out last night and drinking until 1am. hopefully i killed the brain cells that were remembering most of the game
i was suprisingly calm...i kind of lost it after the Int in the 1st qtr and when Rogers called for a fair catch on the 4...but, after that, i settled down, only had like 5 more beers the rest of the game and very suprisingly was not significantly upset afterwards...disappointed yes, upset not so much....maybe i'm growning up?
It was tough going to sleep Sat night (Sunday AM). I went to a sports bar to watch the game and when I got there, they had Clemson-Fla State on. I was too outnumbered to demand a channel change. I felt pretty good because a freind of mine came in and told me the Vols were up 17-7. I had video taped it so I had to go home and watch the tape. Got pretty sick toward the end.
Had forgotten about it by Sunday PM but when the Panthers gave their game away, it all came back again.
Bad weekend all around for me except for Notre Dame getting stomped at home.
Also, to Jayisavol, best wishes to your mom. Keep us posted on her recovery. Did it happen before or after the game? I assume by your post before.
I'm sorry to hear about ur mom, florida fans are idiots, when we use to have season tickets, and it was the florida game, their fans would cuss n start stuff. i've seen several fights during the florida games.
I'm sorry to hear about ur mom, florida fans are idiots, when we use to have season tickets, and it was the florida game, their fans would cuss n start stuff. i've seen several fights during the florida games.

I, too, am sorry to hear about the woman who was pushed down by rude fans. And that kind of thing goes on everyhwere and is unaccpetable, regardless of whether it is a home team fan or visiting. Just sorry it apparently was a Florida fan that caused it.

As to Florida fans being idiots, I resent the overgeneralization. I mean, I am an idiot about many things. But not about running people over or being rude to the fans of opposing teams.
The hurt never goes away for me. Just gets stored up in some unknown place and used for motivation in the years to come. As if I actually need motivation to be a fan, but
Thankfully I was downing bourbon like it was my job throughout the game (why does it taste so good?). By the end of the game, I was done, finished, gone. I went upstairs, stripped and passed out. Completely deflated. I'm seriously considering some Vol Therapy by watching the 98 championship game again. It always seems to help. Happy times.
it just sucks we have to wait 363 days til we get another shot at 'em.
i was suprisingly calm...i kind of lost it after the Int in the 1st qtr and when Rogers called for a fair catch on the 4...but, after that, i settled down, only had like 5 more beers the rest of the game and very suprisingly was not significantly upset afterwards...disappointed yes, upset not so much....maybe i'm growning up?

Amazingly, my own reaction that night was pretty similar Jake.
Overall I saw much that was good. Alot to keep working on.

I call that last drive near the end of a game...usually with around 6 to 7 minutes remaining...the character drive. It is when you will show that you either are or are not a top of the line SEC team. On Saturday, the character drive had a game winning field goal attempt riding on it, and the Vols were not able to answer the call.
That we could not come up with the goods when needed is disappointing. That we played hard, and with enough heart to be there with a chance at the end, is frankly an improvement from the season past.

This team will have to improve, but looks to have the leadership and desire to do just that.

Onward and upward I guess...
Amazingly, my own reaction that night was pretty similar Jake.
Overall I saw much that was good. Alot to keep working on.

I call that last drive near the end of a game...usually with around 6 to 7 minutes remaining...the character drive. It is when you will show that you either are or are not a top of the line SEC team. On Saturday, the character drive had a game winning field goal attempt riding on it, and the Vols were not able to answer the call.
That we could not come up with the goods when needed is disappointing. That we played hard, and with enough heart to be there with a chance at the end, is frankly an improvement from the season past.

This team will have to improve, but looks to have the leadership and desire to do just that.

Onward and upward I guess...
yeah, i was pretty pleased to see how they reacted as a team to some of the things that happened...the turnover early, the TD called back, some of the penalties etc...

if those things happen last year, this team folds like a cheap suit...that didn't happen, and that is the biggest positive i can take from this game. No moral victory. Losing sucks. it always will. but i can't say that this team sucks, like i could last year.
Not really. I'm trying to look at and see the positives, but it's still a loss... to Florida.
No, it still hurts. I didn't want to go into class this morning, or into work. Not to mention it's rainy and nasty outside. This is going to sting all week; it's going to take some time with me. I don't even want to get out of bed.
oh, not to mention, i was in the florida section all game, so it makes this week that much more terrible. it hurts that much more. i hate gators with a passion, no class what-so-ever. trying to stay positive though, GO VOLS!

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