Is the SECCG a Good Thing?

Is the SECCG Needed?

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Senior Member
Jan 29, 2004
I honestly believe that the SECCG does no good other than raise $$$ for the SEC Office. A couple of examples...last night AU had everything to lose and nothing to gain. 2002 UT vs. LSU rehash from a team UT had already beat.

In addition, you have the walking wounded players, not only from the season, but from the Electric Ballroom. Finals are going on for X's sake. We played the number 1 or 2 or 3 team a damm good game, but couldn't beat them and the Gaston Gang, and are now 9-3 rather than 9-2.

I say screw the SECCG. Convince me otherwise.
Overall, I think it's a good thing. In cases where 2 teams finish with the same record, it's the best way to determine the SEC champ. Since the teams come from different divisions and there is no round robin, we could end up with the Big 10 situation (seems they always do) where they have two teams with the same record that did not play each other.

Agree it creates injury problems and that conferences like the PAC10, Big10 and ACC get a pass by not having it. It should be part of every conference.
I think that is a good thing when we win it, and it's bad when we lose. I do agree that every conference needs a championship game to level some stuff out. The ACC will have one next year.
It's really the Championship Game of all of college football. Everyone knows, even thought they won't admit, that the SEC is the elite conference and whoever wins is the "real" National champion. Screw the BCS. :p
If for no other reason, I think any conference championship game is a good idea because it's one step closer to a playoff system.
That's true -- But the SECCG is absolutely needed. Without it, there is an open gap at the end of the season, meaning less notoriety. People will be paying a lot more attention to the games the last week before bowl games, which will allow other conferences like the Big XII to scramble into better post season position that others.
it will be more important when all conferences have 1 i think its good , even though we lost again AU knew we had been there unlike the first go round
It is a VERY good thing.

I cant stand the Pac10/Big10 and their f-ing Co-Champions
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Dec 5, 2004 12:44 PM
In addition, you have the walking wounded players, not only from the season, but from the Electric Ballroom. Finals are going on for X's sake.

hahahahahaha...most player dont have to take finals. i think hefney went to class like 4 times this semester.. :beer:
Well, it obviously wasn't good for us this year. That extra game made us fall in the coaches poll again. However, the wind blowing makes us fall in that poll.

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