Is There Anything Currently On Television More Frightening...



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
than the ESPN commercial with that hobbit that coaches the UNC women shrieking "Are you ready?" at her team?
I knew I couldn't be the only one that found that to be unpleasant to the eyes and ears. :lol:

That old gal has the John Wooden ear look going on, too.
I knew I couldn't be the only one that found that to be unpleasant to the eyes and ears. :lol:

That old gal has the John Wooden ear look going on, too.
Can someone explain to me how anyone at ESPN could think that commercial makes the women's game more appealing to viewers?
The response I'm thinking of is probably borderline inappropriate, so I'll refrain from saying it.
The response I'm thinking of is probably borderline inappropriate, so I'll refrain from saying it.
I can't imagine that a substantial part of the demographic you're alluding to sees Sylvia Hatchell and says,"Ooh, I've got to see more of her. What time do those games start?"
I lose my appetite everytime I see that...glad to see there are a few here at VolNation who are as frightened by that commercial as I am.
Stacey Dales and Erin Andrews jello wreslting at the half. That sir would bring viewers.
I remember being on an elevator at the Student Services Bldg. with a mixed crowd (men and women). A senior administrator (name withheld) made the comment that more people would come to the Ladyvols games if they played in bikini's. Of course, there was an awkward silence.

I was surprised no one file a grievance against the guy.
While I completely agree with the ugh-factor of the commercial:crazy: ...

...Hatchell the Hobbit is a former assistant coach at Tennessee under Summitt.

Go Lady Vols, since you are our last hope for a national title this season:ermm:
My girlfriend pointed out that Sylvia Hatchell looks a little like Randy Quaid in "Kingpin."


I think they attempted to show a girls and coaches who get seriously into the game. They failed miserably. I did have an urge to watch Lord of the Rings though this weekend.

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