Everybody is ignoring the elephant in the room. Gambling has been allowed into college football...well, into everything. How long do you really think it's gong to take before players/officials/coaches are being contacted (paid) to throw games? Do you think they are all immune to the lure of $xxx,xxx in a brown bag? I'm flabbergasted to think that people don't realize just how easy it would be. All you need is one key person to determine the outcome of a game, and with legal gambling on every other commercial, you know the money is there.
I have a decent background in statistics. Things like mean, median, mode, standard deviation, etc. are tools I kinda understand. While watching the USCe game I couldn't shake these thoughts. How many standard deviations above the mean was that game? I know, sounds like bull, but when you have results falling outside your 3 SD's (sigma) you are probably witnessing an outside influence.