It all started going downhill after declining the penalty in the first quarter



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2011
You guys remember when Coach Jones talked about responding to adversity right?:banghead2:
It all started downhill when Dooley's recruiting got us in this situation. We were outclassed today period.
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This is all built up for 6 or 7yrs. I just hope we can get it turned around. I know we probably want win much this yr. But I hope we can atleast compete
Remember the classes of 2008 and 2009? Not to be mean, but that laid the foundation for the next five years. What's sad is that the Vols won the Outback bowl in 2008 but the recruiting was terrible. We all know that the class of 2009 literally fell apart. We can't reflect on the past but we have to move on and make the best of the situation.
The point is Butch inherited 90-95% of this roster. Let him get his recruits over the next 3 years.

I am with you on your point. Just saying things started going downhill before Dooley. Dooley did steepen the angle no doubt. And seeing who we lose this year to graduation I think we have two more years of decent depth and recruiting before being back in the ranks of top competition. Right now I am hoping at least .500 seasons and if we are lucky an 'upset' to keep morale up.
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I am with you on your point. Just saying things started going downhill before Dooley. Dooley did steepen the angle no doubt. And seeing who we lose this year to graduation I think we have two more years of decent depth and recruiting before being back in the ranks of top competition. Right now I am hoping at least .500 seasons and if we are lucky an 'upset' to keep morale up.

^ This
I think a big momentum shifter in the wrong direction was the fumble that was not a fumble. I got to the Vol bar in SF shortly after the game start. I yelled happily one time during my time watching the game. That fumble that was (correctly) called back was that one time. Had that actually been a fumble, I think that would have given our team a lot of energy and hope and drive. Would we have won? Highly unlikely, but I think it would have changed the complexion of the game a bit. We needed to cause a couple turnovers and never did. C'est la vie.
Can't say that I see any logic in declining that 15 yard penalty.

I came on here hoping someone could specifically answer that very question. I can't think of a time when you DON"T accept a 15yd penalty. Why give Oregon 4th and goal from the 5? Even I knew they were going to go for the TD instead of kicking the field goal. As a defense, 3rd and 25 is always preferable to 4th and goal from the 5. :no:
No they scored a TD on the 4th down pass. But luckily it too was negated by a flag but it sure seemed to be when the **** hit the fan.
I think it was when we didn't go for it on 4th and inches, on about the 40 yard line...In the first qtr
That was a chance to play to the strength of the team and put it on the O-line's shoulders, instead we punt, Oregon goes down and scores and the rout was on
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I came on here hoping someone could specifically answer that very question. I can't think of a time when you DON"T accept a 15yd penalty. Why give Oregon 4th and goal from the 5? Even I knew they were going to go for the TD instead of kicking the field goal. As a defense, 3rd and 25 is always preferable to 4th and goal from the 5. :no:

4th and goal from the 12
Can't say that I see any logic in declining that 15 yard penalty.

It's simple. Coach Jones declined because that made it 4th and goal and he thought they would kick a field goal. Taking the penalty would've given Oregon another 3rd down. What CBJ didn't bank on was that Oregon would go for it anyway on 4th down. I don't fault CBJ for the decision at all. MOST teams would've kicked the field goal. He was just playing the odds.
I think it was when we didn't go for it on 4th and inches, on about the 40 yard line...In the first qtr
That was a chance to play to the strength of the team and put it on the O-line's shoulders, instead we punt, Oregon goes down and scores and the rout was on

Butch made the right call .
most teams kick a field goal their. Oregon gose 4 it on 4th down more then any team out there

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