IT Question concerning taping a game.



Proud member of the West Georgia Heup Club
Jan 21, 2012
I am not very IT savvy. My son is deployed to Afghanistan and will be his first season not watching UT games. Where he is at, the company that was supplying internet for purchase ended service on September 1st as their contract has expired due to troops starting to leave in December coming home. The unit itself has internet but none for personal use. My question is how can I send him a DVD copy of the games? I have a DVD burner but not sure how or if I can get the game from the internet onto a DVD. He has a laptop that he can play DVD’s on and know he would enjoy watching the games when he gets time. Any advise would be appreciated. Mods, if this is the wrong forum I apologize.
If you have a DVD-recorder, you can just record it, then burn it onto a dvd. Otherwise, i'd consider just contacting the AD's office and asking for a copy to send to a soldier...that might work.
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Capturing an internet stream is not to difficult but what site were you planning on using because that could play a factor. If it is some bootleg site or your internet is spotty at times and causes the video to buffer or appear grainy then I would not recommend this either, but in any case, this site has some software you could use to get the job done as far as recording the stream. If you need help getting a "free" version of this or something similar, let me know.

Another, more costly, but tech friendly option is to buy a Hauppauge as this will record the TV broadcast in real time and convert it to a format that you can burn to a DVD/Blu-Ray. It's simple to use, but I think it's around $140-150 about anywhere.
I figured it out. I have a whole home DVR you can watch games from your computer and burn it also. Thank you for the suggestions.

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if it's a work one then I wouldn't advise it. It's grounds for termination at my company (unlikely but it's still in the agreement we sign)

Yea its work. I tried a few minor things that didnt work so im just going to dvr it and be done with it.
I figured it out. I have a whole home DVR you can watch games from your computer and burn it also. Thank you for the suggestions.

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Im glad you found your answer, just wanted to add my gratitude for your son's service. Thank you

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